Orascom TMT Investments S.ὰ r.l ("OTMTI", formerly Weather Investments II S.à r.l.) is a company incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg, with Mr. Naguib Sawiris as chairman. OTMTI is an experienced investor and strategic shareholder in telecommunications and technology companies. Its history started in 1997 in Cairo with the creation of a mobile telecommunications group, Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. ("OTH"). OTH grew rapidly over the following decade, starting or acquiring operations in numerous countries including Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Bangladesh, Canada, DPRK; servicing over 100 million subscribers in 2011. Weather Investments S.p.A (now Wind Telecom S.p.A) was OTH's majority shareholder, and in 2005 it acquired Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., the third largest Italian mobile phone operator, and in 2007 also acquired the Greek mobile carrier TIM Hellas and rebranded it to become Wind Hellas. Wind Telecom was OTMTI's sole asset at that time.