Developer of a learning assistant intended to supplement teachers by automating many of their most repetitive and unproductive tasks. The company's learning assistant creates a learning environment that combines the accessibility and convenience of audiobooks and podcasts, with the interactivity and flexibility offered by voice assistants and smart devices which adapts to the needs of the learner, enabling teachers to save their time as well as to develop the curriculum and assist students.
Retina Risk was founded in 2008 by a group of doctors, statisticians’ and business people. The company focuses its efforts on developing innovative IT-solutions for medical healthcare systems worldwide. Their mission is to use the individual risk and severity profiles to find the optimal use of healthcare resources, such as medication, surgery, laser treatment, surveillance, and follow-up, to optimize the health outcome of that particular individual while at the same time optimizing the allocation of health care resources available. RMS launched its first product in December 2009, the world's first risk calculator that individualizes the risk for diabetic patients of developing sight-threatening eye-complications for diabetic-retinopathy.