Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provided wireline local exchange telecommunications services to residential and business customers in rural Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri until being acquired by [Windstream](/organization/windstream) in 2009. The company, an incumbent exchange carrier, offered local services that included basic local telephone service and enhanced local services, such as voice mail, caller ID, and call forwarding; network access services to interexchange carriers for the origination and termination of interstate and intrastate long distance phone calls on its network; and special access services to carriers and others. It also provided toll or long distance services, as well as data and Internet services consisting of dial-up and DSL Internet access service, and other enhanced data services; and sold, installed, and maintained customer premise voice and data equipment, satellite and cable video, and inside line care. As of December 31, 2008, Iowa Telecommunications Services operated 298 telephone exchanges and provided services to approximately 242,100 access lines. The company was founded in 1999 and was headquartered in Newton, Iowa.