Keiretsu Forum
Keiretsu Forum is a global investment community founded in 2000, comprising accredited private equity investors, venture capitalists, and corporate and institutional investors. With over 50 chapters and more than 2,500 members worldwide, the Forum focuses on high-quality and diverse investment opportunities while fostering strong interlocking relationships among its members. This collaborative approach not only enhances deal flow but also encourages participation in social and charitable activities. Keiretsu Forum operates across various regions, including multiple chapters in the United States, as well as international locations in China, Spain, and France. Additionally, it manages the Keiretsu Forum India Seed Fund, which invests in sectors such as software, consumer durables, energy, financial services, health, and real estate. Overall, Keiretsu Forum aims to create mutual benefits for its members through organized private equity funding and engagement in impactful investments.
BabyPage is an online platform and app that captures and tracks children's milestones. It prompts parents with questions dictated by the age of the child and time of year, and its natural language algorithm auto-creates content, making it easy to capture every stage of childhood. The company was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Respira Therapeutics, Inc. operates as a drug development company that focuses on pulmonary delivery of therapeutics for respiratory diseases. It develops and commercializes technology for passive dry powder inhalers for lung delivery and therapy. Respira Therapeutics, Inc. has a strategic collaboration with United Therapeutics Corporation. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.