
Oikocredit is a financial institution established in 1968 and based in the Netherlands. It focuses on empowering individuals and communities by providing funding to the microfinance sector, fair trade organizations, cooperatives, and small to medium enterprises. Oikocredit aims to create sustainable opportunities for people in need, enabling them to improve their own circumstances through access to financial resources.

Rodrigo Villalta Díaz

Director of Investments

Bart Van Eyk

Director of Investments

Thos Gieskes

Managing Director

Mireille Hendriks

Investor Relations

Tom Keleher

Equity Director

Alexander Remy

Equity Investment Officer

Past deals in Rwanda


Convertible Note in 2018
Inyenyeri gets the even the poorest of Rwandan households to switch from cooking with wood and charcoal by providing clean and renewable fuel that cooks better and is more affordable. Inyenyeri is a for-profit social enterprise. Profitability ensures sustainable social impact and increases access to financial capital needed to scale quickly.