Fidelis Family Office

Fidelis Family Office specialises in strategic asset allocation and wealth consulting for wealthy families, high-net-worth individuals and charitable organisations in Israel. Their clients gain access to independent views, global investment skills and state-of-the-art administration services. idelis is a multi-client Family Office providing world-class services to meet the investment needs of its wealthy clients: financial planning, strategic asset allocation, global manager selection, consolidated reporting, and on-going monitoring of portfolios. Their goal is to ensure that their client's wealth grows its buying power for generations to come. Their investment philosophy is therefore long-term and conservative. Through their international and Israeli networks of financial providers they get access to world-class research, reporting systems, and third-party asset managers. They provide independent views and custom-tailored cost-efficient solutions, focusing on the real needs of each client. They have no in-house products to sell.

Eran Goren

Co-Founderand Managing Partner

Gad Haker

Co-Founderand Managing Partner