Sviluppo Imprese Centro Italia

Sviluppo Imprese Centro Italia is an independent asset management company founded in Florence in 1998. Active in the Private Equity and Venture Capital sector, it currently manages four closed-end funds for a total value of around 140 million euro and has already carried out numerous operations. in the capital of companies operating in various industrial sectors, from the most traditional to high-tech. The mission of SICI is to encourage the development of unlisted SMEs in Central Italy through the contribution of financial resources intended to strengthen their capital and financial structure. SICI intends to represent a Growth Partner for the investee companies and a strategic operator in the creation of value for the territory with an impact on the economic and social fabric in terms of competitiveness of the economic system, employment, entrepreneurial and managerial culture. Business Development Central Italy is an independent Italian managing closed-end funds company. Established in Florence in 1998, SICI has 4 Private Equity and Venture funds under management with a total committed capital of 140m Euros.

Francesco Castaldelli

Investment Manager

Guido Tommei

General Manager and Director

Past deals in Italy

Corpo Vigili Giurati

Convertible Note in 2017
Corpo Vigili Giurati is one of the main operators at national level in the field of private security, offering its customers a complete range of services and occupying a position of leadership in Tuscany and in the market of central Italy.