Investors at Mature

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Private Equity Investors

Private Equity Investors, Inc. is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in fund of funds and secondary acquisitions in secondary indirect investments. Within direct, it prefers to invest in mature and late ventures. For fund of funds investments, it seeks to invest in venture capital, growth equity, and buyout funds and manages funds-of-funds that invest in venture capital, growth equity, and buyout funds at the time of their origination. It seeks to purchase limited partnership interests, portfolios of direct private holdings, fund restructurings, financial institutions or corporate spin-outs, and all the assets of a fund or fund of funds. Within the secondary transactions that the firm makes to general partners of mature funds and fund of funds, it provides fund or fund of funds wind down, asset purchase, tender offers, and restructuring solutions. Within the secondary transactions, the firm provides cash purchase, purchase of non strategic holdings, and restructuring to corporate venture programs. The firm also provides liquidity to limited partners of private equity funds and to investors with portfolios of direct holdings. It prefers to invest in logistics and retail, communications, and healthcare. It seeks investments across the United States and overseas while investing in other funds. The firm typically acquires limited partnership interests in transactions with values ranging between $1 million and $100 million, but typically looks at transactions with less than $50 million in value and $30 million in net asset value. Private Equity Investors, Inc. was founded in 1992 and is based in New York, New York with additional offices in Chicago, Illinois; San Francisco, California; and Tokyo, Japan.

Phoenix Equity Partners

Phoenix Equity Partners Limited is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in middle-market management buyouts, late venture, growth capital, buyins, bolt-on acquisitions, and expansion capital transactions. The firm also assists with growth through acquisitions and joint ventures and provides follow-on investments. It seeks to invest in education; industrials; consumer; healthcare with a focus on specialty pharmaceuticals, outsourcing, and medical equipment and devices; financial services; transport and logistics; and business services sector; media; command, control and communication equipment; telecommunication, leisure; and retail. The firm primarily invests in private medium sized companies based in the United Kingdom. It typically invests between $16 million and $80 million in companies with enterprise value between $16 million and $345.5 million. The firm prefers to acquire significant stakes and seeks to have a board seat in its portfolio companies. It prefers to hold its portfolio companies for a period of three to five years. The firm prefers to provide additional equity to fund roll-out plans and follow-on investments to drive expansion. Phoenix Equity Partners Limited was founded in 2001 and is based in London, United Kingdom with an additional office in Manchester, United Kingdom.

Elderstreet Investments

Elderstreet Investments is a prominent UK venture capital firm that specializes in providing early-stage and growth capital to developing businesses across various industry sectors. Founded in 1990 and based in London, the firm typically invests between £2 million and £10 million in UK-based companies, often syndicating investments with Draper Esprit, a leading venture capital investor focused on high-growth technology businesses, particularly in digital technologies. Elderstreet seeks to actively engage with its portfolio companies, often taking a board seat to guide their development. The firm’s investment strategy encompasses a wide range of stages, from early to mature ventures, with a particular emphasis on the software and computer service markets.


Founded in 1999, Zero2IPO is a leading integrated service provider in the China venture capital and private equity industry. Now, Zero2IPO has become an unbeatable dealflow and networking source in China. Zero2IPO's mission is to be the preferred service provider to businesses in the venture capital and private equity industry by offering an unparalleled knowledge and expertise to our clients and partners. To ensure this, Zero2IPO provides a broad and deep array of services enabling entrepreneurs and investors to reach the next level of success. Zero2IPO Group is headquartered in Beijing with offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Silicon Valley.

Zero2IPO Ventures

Zero2IPO Ventures is the venture investment arm under Zero2IPO Group targeted at high-potential, high-growth China enterprises. Leveraging Zero2IPO's vast network in China, Zero2IPO Ventures does not compete with other venture funds, but rather pursue a two-prong investment strategy, i.e. to co-invest with active venture capital firms in growth and late stage companies and to lead or co-lead in early stage startups in China. The industry focus includes Internet, mobile and wireless applications, digital media, healthcare, green-tech, consumable products and services, as well as other emerging sectors. We intend to leverage the extensive network that has been created by Zero2IPO Group, a leading venture capital and private equity market research and financial advisory company, to seek out potential investment opportunities and provide a strong value-add to our portfolio companies. Through its venture capital and private equity surveys, investment forums, training programs, and investment advisory services, Zero2IPO Group has developed a strong reputation in the China market for helping entrepreneurs connect with investors.


Investible Pty Ltd. provides a platform that identifies and develops entrepreneurial talent and minimizes the risk of pre-IPO investment. The company also provides business building programs; and produces a pipeline of investible businesses and startup ready talent. It offers THE LAB, specialist business development and execution engine that ensures participants are armed with the tools to build a business, as well as ideas, networks, and founding partners; and access to a portfolio of startup opportunities for THE CLUB, a purpose-built investment service for private equity investors. Investible Pty Ltd. was incorporated in 2015 and is based in Sydney, Australia.

Share Capital

Share Capital is a venture capital firm that focuses on various stages of investment, including seed, start-up, early, middle, growth capital, and Pre-IPO opportunities. The firm primarily targets sectors such as big living, medical healthcare, and internet innovation. Within the medical healthcare domain, Share Capital seeks to invest in a diverse range of areas, including pharmaceuticals, innovative medical equipment, biotechnology, diagnostic testing, anti-infectives, and drug discovery. Additionally, the firm is interested in mobile medical services and the informatization of healthcare, aiming to support advancements that improve health outcomes and operational efficiencies.