Atlantic Labs

Atlantic Labs is an early-stage venture capital investment firm located in Berlin, Germany, founded in 2013. The firm focuses on supporting mission-driven founders by investing in innovative startups tackling both emerging technologies and social challenges. Atlantic Labs is particularly active in sectors such as Digital Health, Future of Work, AI and Machine Learning, Mobility, Industrial Automation, Fintech, Proptech, and Community. By collaborating closely with entrepreneurs from the earliest stages, Atlantic Labs aims to help build world-leading companies that can shape the future. Recent investment interests have included decarbonization and advancements in artificial intelligence.

Dimitri Bilyarchyk


Bastian Bullmann


Alice Bardon Catineau

Senior Analyst

Lukas Erbguth


Fiona Hui Hui

Venture Partner, Asia

Anne-Sophie Krechting

Visiting Analyst

Marc-Olivier Luecke

General Partner and Managing Director

Marc-Olivier Lücke

General Partner

Domique Julien Maire

Venture Partner

Daniel Niemi


Ruben Schultz

Venture Partner

Johanna Ulrich


Jennifer Valverde-Schäfer

Senior Associate, Venture Development

184 past transactions


Seed Round in 2023
Exazyme is a company that specializes in optimizing proteins through an advanced AI-powered system. This innovative tool accelerates the protein engineering process, surpassing traditional methods such as directed evolution and rational design. Exazyme offers a range of services, including AI training, sequence suggestions, data management, and lab experimentation, all designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of scientific research. By streamlining the protein design process, Exazyme enables scientists to develop superior biocatalysts more quickly, ultimately contributing to advancements in biotechnology.


Pre Seed Round in 2022
SecondCircle makes carbon negative chemicals for a cleaner future. We are the first carbon negative chemical manufacturer that can scale to meet global demand. The best thing about it: we use carbon dioxide as a feedstock. We have raised over $50m to date from top venture capital investors as well as in grant funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Join us in the fight against climate change.


Series A in 2022
Kadmos is a financial technology company that provides a secure, end-to-end salary payment platform for international workers. The platform facilitates the disbursement of salaries to employees around the world, offering full transparency and bank-level security. By focusing on cost-effectiveness, Kadmos reduces the financial burdens associated with traditional payment methods, which often involve high mark-ups and cash transactions. The service includes features such as favorable foreign exchange rates, low fees, and the option for salary advances, allowing employees to manage their finances more effectively. Through its innovative approach, Kadmos aims to transform how international workers receive and handle their paychecks.

Nilo Health

Seed Round in 2022
Provider of mental well-being services intended to create a space for communications regarding mental stress. The company's service offers events and communication materials, sessions, on-site seminars, workshops, webinars, and online courses, enabling employers and employees to better deal with mental challenges or stressful situations.


Seed Round in 2022
SureIn develops insurance administration software aimed at simplifying the process of business insurance for small business owners. Its application offers features such as continuous risk monitoring, a centralized contact management system, and a personalized overview of insurance needs. By analyzing these needs, the software provides non-binding recommendations that help users secure appropriate coverage more efficiently. The focus on transparency and around-the-clock service enhances the user experience, allowing business owners to concentrate on their core operations while ensuring they are adequately insured at competitive prices.


Seed Round in 2022
Wasserstoff ist ohne Zweifel der zentrale Energieträger der Zukunft und wird vor keiner großen Industrie-Branche Halt machen. Wir liefern die Innovationsstory im Wasserstoff für Hersteller weltweit. Der Hype um Wasserstoff erreicht die Gesellschaft und damit auch die Hersteller von Autos, die besonders in Deutschland stark vertreten sind. Diese sogenannten OEMs arbeiten zurzeit an vielen Baustellen die ihren zukünftigen Erfolg gefährden. Mit Hochdruck sollen Qualitätsprobleme in der Fahrzeugelektronik behoben werden. Diese beruhen auf eklatanten Schwächen der OEMs und ihrer Zulieferer im Bereich der Software, wo ihnen grundlegendes Know-How und Erfahrung fehlt. Neue Player wie Apple und Google drängen mit Hochdruck auf den Markt und entwickeln zeitgleich das „Smartphone auf vier Rädern“. Im Bereich von Wasserstoff wollen die ersten Marktplayer die Brennstoffzelle durch Prozessverbesserung massentauglich produzieren. Von einer Integration ins Fahrzeug sind diese Entwicklungen noch weit entfernt – geschweige denn von einer elektronischen Einbettung in das digitalisierte Fahrzeug der Zukunft. Wir können die elektronische Architektur für Brennstoffzellensysteme entwickeln. Damit erfüllen wir im Bereich der Mobilität den Bedarf einer digitalen Fahrzeugelektronik und liefern eine echte Innovation „made in Germany“ im Bereich Wasserstoff. Die von uns entwickelte Architektur CibusCell.IO basiert auf standardisierten Hardwarekomponenten für Sensorik und Datenverarbeitung sowie auf Android als bewährtem Betriebssystem. Gleichzeitig wollen wir technisch die Offenheit für neue Brennstoffzellentypen und Next-Generation-Hybride (auf Basis von Wasserstoff und Batterie) behalten. Der Automotive-Vorreiter Tesla setzt auf ein geschlossenes Elektroniksystem und legt seinen Fokus ausschließlich auf batteriebetriebene E-Autos. Wir bieten mit CibusCell.IO eine offene Elektronikplattform, auf der Brennstoffzellen für Fahrzeuge, aber auch für Heizungen oder Industrieanlagen mit Analysetools (z.B. Technical Health Check) sowie Marketing- und Entertainment-Services versorgt werden können. Darüber hinaus soll durch Integration von Übertragungstechnik (WLAN, Bluetooth, NFC) die Vernetzung verschiedenster Brennstoffzellen ermöglicht werden. Dabei kann CibusCell.IO als natives Steuerelement in die bestehende Hardware eingebaut oder als Software-Extension in zukünftige Betriebssysteme integriert werden – wie im Bereich der Fahrzeuge in die von Volkswagen entwickelte vw.OS. Die Kunden von CibusCell.IO sind zum einen OEMs im Automotive-Bereich – wie z.B. Volkswagen, die in Zukunft ihre Kompetenzen und Fertigungstiefe im Softwarebereich massiv ausbauen wollen. Darüber hinaus können je nach Marktentwicklung auch Zulieferer und Hersteller anderer Brennstoffzellensysteme interessant werden. Das Team von CibusCell ist eine Mischung aus langjähriger Erfahrung in der Softwarebranche und jungem dynamischen Einfluss aus dem Ingenieurbereich. Grundsätzlich sehen wir wirtschaftlichen Erfolg nicht bloß als Selbstzweck und wollen das Gesamtbild einer zukunftsorientierten Ökonomie im Auge behalten. Auf Basis der Gemeinwohlökonomie hinterfragen wir stetig unser wirtschaftliches Handeln in Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit. Beispielsweise wollen wir in der Produktentwicklung auf nachhaltig agierende Hardwarehersteller wie Shiftphone setzen. Zuletzt streben wir als junges Start-Up auch die Erstellung einer Gemeinwohl-Bilanz für unsere unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten an.


Seed Round in 2022
Doctor.One operates a virtual clinic designed to enable doctors to establish subscription-based private practices. The platform facilitates direct communication between doctors and patients, allowing physicians to respond to messages, monitor treatment progress, and provide assistance through asynchronous chat. Doctors can also initiate video calls without disclosing personal contact information and issue prescriptions directly. By focusing on restoring the trusted doctor-patient relationship, Doctor.One aims to ensure that everyone has direct access to a private doctor, thereby enhancing the overall healthcare experience.


Seed Round in 2022
Apryl is a fertility benefits platform that helps in overcoming inequality.

LEVY Health

Pre Seed Round in 2022
LEVY Health offers a comprehensive platform aimed at individuals and couples seeking to understand and improve their fertility. The company utilizes an innovative questionnaire to analyze users' unique situations and provides personalized advice through online appointments, ensuring convenience and privacy. Additionally, LEVY Health has developed clinical decision support software specifically tailored for endocrine disorders, significantly reducing the time required for diagnosis from years to weeks. By employing proprietary algorithms and established clinical guidelines, the platform enhances infertility diagnostics and formulates individualized therapeutic strategies, ultimately helping users increase their chances of achieving pregnancy.


Series A in 2022
Decentriq makes data collaboration simple and safe by leveraging confidential computing. Sensitive data is extremely valuable and at the same time very hard to leverage and analyze safely. Decentriq’s software platform enables our clients and partners to securely analyze sensitive data. No friction, easy to test and apply while providing state-of-art security. The platform proves the privacy and security of the data from any other party, including us. It allows complete confidentiality for computations, even while sitting in a public cloud. More under:


Series D in 2022
Zenjob GmbH, founded in 2015 and based in Berlin, Germany, operates an online recruitment platform focused on connecting temporary workers with part-time job opportunities across various sectors, including hospitality, retail, and gastronomy. The company has developed a mobile application that streamlines the job search and recruitment process, allowing users to receive real-time job offers directly on their smartphones. Job seekers can apply online, undergo personal interviews, and, upon successful placement, receive compensation after completing two weeks of service. Zenjob partners with numerous businesses, including those in the catering and hotel industries, to address their short-term staffing needs effectively. The platform emphasizes customer feedback and regularly surveys clients to maintain high service standards. Fluency in German may be required for certain positions, as specified in job descriptions.


Funding Round in 2022
Lano Software GmbH is a Berlin-based company that offers a software-as-a-service platform designed to facilitate collaboration among businesses, freelancers, and vendors. Founded in 2018, Lano provides tools that help users manage proposals, track income and expenses, create invoices, and organize work schedules. The platform serves various industries, including content creation, media production, marketing, advertising, and fitness. Lano's solutions enable organizations to manage their global teams efficiently, automate onboarding processes, ensure compliance, and streamline invoicing. For freelancers and contractors, the platform simplifies client management, invoicing, and payment processes, promoting a flexible and independent work environment. Through its cloud-based platform and mobile application, Lano aims to enhance collaboration and improve operational efficiency for both companies and individual talent.


Series C in 2022
Wandelbots GmbH, based in Dresden, Germany, is a startup focused on simplifying the programming of industrial robots. The company has developed sensor-attached wearables that allow users to teach robots through demonstration, eliminating the need for coding. By wearing a suit equipped with sensors, operators can perform tasks that the robots then learn to replicate. Wandelbots' software tracks these movements and creates machine learning models from multiple demonstrations, which generate automation workflows that can be refined and optimized. The system is designed to be self-adaptive, allowing robots to adjust to dynamic environments through automatic anomaly detection and process adaptation. This innovative approach significantly reduces the time and cost associated with automation projects, making it accessible for both small and large enterprises.


Seed Round in 2022
Kadmos is a financial technology company that provides a secure, end-to-end salary payment platform for international workers. The platform facilitates the disbursement of salaries to employees around the world, offering full transparency and bank-level security. By focusing on cost-effectiveness, Kadmos reduces the financial burdens associated with traditional payment methods, which often involve high mark-ups and cash transactions. The service includes features such as favorable foreign exchange rates, low fees, and the option for salary advances, allowing employees to manage their finances more effectively. Through its innovative approach, Kadmos aims to transform how international workers receive and handle their paychecks.


Series A in 2021
Stenon GmbH, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Potsdam, Germany, specializes in designing and manufacturing sensor technology equipment and supporting software for real-time soil analysis in the agriculture sector. The company's innovative product features an ergonomic handle, touch screen, and various sensors that assess critical soil parameters, including temperature, moisture, type, texture, and pH levels. Additionally, it evaluates essential nutrients such as nitrate ammonium, phosphorus, potassium, humus, and magnesium. Stenon's supporting software enhances its hardware capabilities by providing a web interface, connectivity to Schlagkartei, beat mapping, weather data integration, fertilizer quantity recommendations, and insights into soil dynamics over time. This comprehensive approach enables farmers to make informed decisions for optimizing soil health and agricultural productivity.


Pre Seed Round in 2021
SecondCircle makes carbon negative chemicals for a cleaner future. We are the first carbon negative chemical manufacturer that can scale to meet global demand. The best thing about it: we use carbon dioxide as a feedstock. We have raised over $50m to date from top venture capital investors as well as in grant funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Join us in the fight against climate change.


Seed Round in 2021
HeyFina is building a new Fintech experience enabling women to make smart, long-term decisions around their financial well-being. Backed by science, designed for real people.


Venture Round in 2021
Provider of last-mile logistics services intended to make same-day delivery simple. The company's service leverages hyperlocal warehouses and an online platform for quick and green order fulfillment and delivery of products by automatically transferring relevant orders to the systems as well as sending alerts on low inventory, enabling e-commerce companies to enhance the delivery experience to their customers and boost revenues.


Convertible Note in 2021
Travizory Border Security, SA specializes in travel identity management services, focusing on enhancing security and facilitation at airports and border crossings. The company offers a range of solutions, including biometric Travel Authorization and eVisa systems, which assist in the screening and vetting of travelers. Its platform collects vital passenger information, including biographic data, biometrics, itineraries, and health details, allowing officials to efficiently validate entry requirements. Additionally, Travizory provides advanced services such as turnkey Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems, as well as facial and temperature verification corridors at entry and exit points. The firm also develops mobile applications, including a passport wallet app, to further streamline travel processes. Founded in 2019 and based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Travizory is equipped with a knowledgeable team experienced in both technology and government solutions.


Seed Round in 2021
Niro GmbH operates an online platform that provides customer interaction flows. It offers online marketing optimization, lead generation, personalized questions paths, and pixel customization services. The company was incorporated in 2020 and is based in Hamburg, Germany.

Mobius Labs

Series A in 2021
Mobius Labs GmbH, founded in 2018 and based in Berlin, Germany, specializes in developing image and video understanding software. The company offers lightweight, state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms that enhance visual intelligence at the edge. Its platform utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze images and videos, automatically generating metadata and providing insights that can significantly benefit businesses. By licensing its technology, Mobius Labs enables organizations to harness the power of visual data, facilitating improved visual searches and market opportunities where such content exists. The company provides both on-device software development kits (SDKs) and on-premise installations to cater to diverse client needs.


Seed Round in 2021
Developer of a satellite-based observation system designed for space debris monitoring. The company utilizes a proprietary fleet of satellites, software suites, sensors, and machine learning algorithms to catalog and identify space debris, process images, assess space traffic and provide maneuvering instructions for satellites, enabling satellite operators and owners to autonomously navigate and avoid collision with the debris.


Seed Round in 2021
Developer of a networking application dedicated to improving communication within agriculture and making it more transparent. The company's platform combines digitization and agriculture to bring together diverse expertise from agriculture, technology consulting, innovation and finance, enabling farmers and agricultural partners to network, inform, share content and exchange ideas.


Pre Seed Round in 2021
Producer of oat-based products intended to offer healthy alternatives that taste good. The company offers oat drinks made from German organic oats and natural ingredients, enabling customers to have access to beverages that are free of chemical pesticides, and genetic engineering.

Volytica Diagnostics

Seed Round in 2021
Volytica Diagnostics GmbH, founded in 2019 and based in Dresden, Germany, specializes in Battery Diagnosis as a Service for manufacturers in the battery and electric vehicle sectors. The company offers a telematics diagnostics platform that utilizes self-learning algorithms to analyze and forecast battery systems, addressing warranty management challenges. Its services encompass design, monitoring, and warranty management, catering to battery system and vehicle manufacturers, third-party telematics platforms, and risk assessors. By collecting real-time data, Volytica enables businesses to identify warranty infringements and communicate warnings to customers through a web dashboard, enhancing the management and reliability of battery systems in e-mobility applications.


Series B in 2021
Caspar Health creates innovative solutions that help people live independent healthy lives. They support healthcare facilities with their world-class medical know-how and cutting-edge technology to offer better and more sustainable care to their patients. They work hard everyday to find new ways for rehabilitation and prevention. With us, the best expertise is custom tailored to meet individual needs, accessible 24/7 without limits on their app, ensuring sustainable treatment and recovery.


Seed Round in 2021 is a startup that specializes in accounting data management technology. The company offers a platform that consolidates various financial data sets into a customizable dashboard, allowing users to easily access, connect, and analyze their accounting information. Its technology enables the upload of financial data, monthly report updates, and the creation of detailed reports on individual postings, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cost centers. By providing these tools, aims to enhance the financial reporting processes for businesses while ensuring the security of their data.


Pre Seed Round in 2021
Meetsales is a B2B sales startup focused on enhancing the online sales experience through a remote sales enablement platform. The company aims to improve the customer experience by facilitating virtual meetings between sales teams and clients. Its platform addresses challenges such as shopping cart abandonment and operational inefficiencies, ultimately boosting online sales. By adapting to the remote-first working model, Meetsales equips sales teams with valuable analytics to track performance and enhance motivation. The overall goal is to professionalize the sales process in the evolving landscape of global B2B commerce.


Seed Round in 2021
Construction, Concrete 3D Printing, Automation, Robotics, Digital Concrete

Field 33

Seed Round in 2021
Field 33 helps large companies connect and manage the increasingly complex interactions of internal strategic goals and external influencing factors.

Volytica Diagnostics

Seed Round in 2021
Volytica Diagnostics GmbH, founded in 2019 and based in Dresden, Germany, specializes in Battery Diagnosis as a Service for manufacturers in the battery and electric vehicle sectors. The company offers a telematics diagnostics platform that utilizes self-learning algorithms to analyze and forecast battery systems, addressing warranty management challenges. Its services encompass design, monitoring, and warranty management, catering to battery system and vehicle manufacturers, third-party telematics platforms, and risk assessors. By collecting real-time data, Volytica enables businesses to identify warranty infringements and communicate warnings to customers through a web dashboard, enhancing the management and reliability of battery systems in e-mobility applications.


Seed Round in 2021
Vantik GmbH is a Berlin-based startup that specializes in digital private pension products aimed at millennials. Founded in 2017, the company offers retirement planning services through an online platform and mobile application, allowing young people, professionals, and freelancers to manage their pensions easily. Vantik provides its services via an account at DAB BNP Paribas bank, emphasizing flexibility and security in retirement savings. The company seeks to inspire millennials to take an active role in planning for their financial future.


Series A in 2021
Sendify AB is an online platform based in Gothenburg, Sweden, that specializes in providing shipping solutions for small shippers. Founded in 2015, the company enables these businesses to book shipments with leading carriers through a user-friendly transport management system (TMS). By leveraging the collective purchasing power of small shippers, Sendify offers significant discounts on shipping rates, allowing users to choose between cost and delivery time. The platform operates at no charge, with customers only paying for actual shipments. Since its inception, Sendify has assisted over 6,000 businesses in shipping globally and has gained recognition as a leading TMS in Sweden. With a growing team of over 30 employees, Sendify is committed to empowering small businesses by transforming logistics into a competitive advantage, and it is poised for further growth both domestically and internationally.


Pre Seed Round in 2021
Kadmos is a financial technology company that provides a secure, end-to-end salary payment platform for international workers. The platform facilitates the disbursement of salaries to employees around the world, offering full transparency and bank-level security. By focusing on cost-effectiveness, Kadmos reduces the financial burdens associated with traditional payment methods, which often involve high mark-ups and cash transactions. The service includes features such as favorable foreign exchange rates, low fees, and the option for salary advances, allowing employees to manage their finances more effectively. Through its innovative approach, Kadmos aims to transform how international workers receive and handle their paychecks.


Seed Round in 2021
Mimetik is s a software startup for seamless interactions with millions of devices.


Seed Round in 2021
Softr is a no-code platform that enables users to create websites and web applications quickly and easily, primarily utilizing Airtable as a backend. The platform is designed for individuals and startups, allowing them to build various dynamic applications such as listings, membership sites, event directories, online courses, e-commerce platforms, job boards, and more, all without the need for coding or a steep learning curve. By simplifying the development process, Softr empowers users to launch their projects online efficiently, making technology accessible to a broader audience.


Seed Round in 2021
Turbine Ltd is a biotechnology company based in Budapest, Hungary, founded in 2015. It specializes in the development of computational models that predict biological and clinical outcomes to aid in cancer drug development. Utilizing its proprietary Simulated Cell technology alongside artificial intelligence, Turbine focuses on understanding the intricate mechanisms of cancer. This approach facilitates the discovery of novel protein targets and precision biomarkers, enhancing the translation of research to patient care. The company also creates cancer combination therapies that clarify the underlying biology of diseases and personalize treatment options. By leveraging bioinformatics and network medicine, Turbine effectively simulates complex interventions, allowing for the screening of numerous drug combinations on simulated cells. This innovative process aims to provide cancer patients with low-cost and effective treatment plans.


Venture Round in 2020
Plantix is a leading agricultural technology application designed to assist farmers in diagnosing crop issues such as pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies. By leveraging artificial intelligence and insights from global research institutions, the app enables users to upload images of affected plants and receive accurate diagnoses along with tailored treatment options. This innovative platform not only helps farmers address immediate problems but also offers guidance on preventing crop loss and optimizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Developed by Peat GmbH, Plantix serves millions of users, providing valuable insights into smallholder farming practices and disease spread, ultimately contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.


Seed Round in 2020
Wildcorn GmbH, founded in 2016 and based in Berlin, Germany, specializes in the production and online sale of organic popcorn. The company offers a range of fat-free corn snacks made using a unique dry roast process that avoids frying in fat, ensuring a healthier alternative for snack lovers. Wildcorn's products are crafted from high-quality ingredients, featuring sunflower oil and a variety of strong spices, which create a rich and full taste. The popcorn is available in multiple flavors, including paprika, oregano, and cream and onion, catering to consumers seeking sugar-free, organic, and vegan snack options.


Venture Round in 2020
Rows, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, offers a spreadsheet-based software solution that allows users to create web applications. Its platform enables users to access business data and APIs, facilitating tasks such as finding and enriching information about companies and individuals, tracking stock prices, and sending emails. By leveraging familiar spreadsheet functions, Rows empowers users to automate processes and integrate various online services, making it a versatile tool for data management and application development.


Series A in 2020
Neufund is a FinTech startup founded in 2016 and based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, that connects innovative companies seeking funding with progressive investors. The company operates a blockchain-based platform that facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets, such as equity, enabling the issuance of legally enforceable security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. By bridging the realms of cryptocurrency, private equity, and venture capital, Neufund aims to democratize access to finance, create new markets, and foster collaboration among assets, investors, and entrepreneurs.

Angle Audio

Pre Seed Round in 2020
Angle Audio is a developer of an innovative audio platform that facilitates intentional and focused conversations. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, the platform enables users to discover and engage in discussions with individuals who share similar interests. By fostering inclusiveness, intimacy, and authenticity in its interactions, Angle Audio aims to create a meaningful social audio experience for its clients.

Nilo Health

Pre Seed Round in 2020
Provider of mental well-being services intended to create a space for communications regarding mental stress. The company's service offers events and communication materials, sessions, on-site seminars, workshops, webinars, and online courses, enabling employers and employees to better deal with mental challenges or stressful situations.


Seed Round in 2020
Bliq GmbH, founded in 2017 and based in Berlin, Germany, specializes in developing application software aimed at enhancing the efficiency of rideshare and delivery drivers. The company addresses the challenges of urban mobility by creating a mobility information engine that utilizes real-time data from over 24 million connected vehicles, as well as advanced computer vision technologies. Bliq offers two primary products: Bliq Park, which assists drivers in locating available parking three times faster through predictive analytics and real-time information, and Bliq Ride, designed to increase earnings for taxi and rideshare drivers by improving their positioning near potential passengers. Through these solutions, Bliq aims to optimize urban street mobility and boost driver productivity.

ahead GmbH

Series A in 2020
ahead GmbH is a Hamburg-based company founded in 2017 that specializes in the production of nutritional supplements. The company focuses on developing evidence-based products designed to enhance mental and physical health, including natural supplements for concentration, well-being, and sleep. Its product line features immunity boosters and edible bars aimed at improving sleep and gut health, incorporating ingredients such as omega, zinc, and vitamin D3. In addition to its supplements, ahead GmbH employs a digital coaching approach to support customers in achieving their health and performance goals.


Seed Round in 2020
Decentriq makes data collaboration simple and safe by leveraging confidential computing. Sensitive data is extremely valuable and at the same time very hard to leverage and analyze safely. Decentriq’s software platform enables our clients and partners to securely analyze sensitive data. No friction, easy to test and apply while providing state-of-art security. The platform proves the privacy and security of the data from any other party, including us. It allows complete confidentiality for computations, even while sitting in a public cloud. More under:


Seed Round in 2020
Gorillas Technologies GmbH, established in 2020 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, operates a grocery delivery platform that focuses on providing a variety of products directly to consumers' doorsteps within a 10-minute timeframe. The service includes a diverse range of items, such as fresh fruits, dairy products, vegan options, and chilled beverages, alongside unique offerings from local community partners. By aggregating supermarket product ranges, Gorillas aims to deliver groceries at retail prices, enhancing convenience for customers seeking quick access to essential supplies.


Seed Round in 2020
Travizory Border Security, SA specializes in travel identity management services, focusing on enhancing security and facilitation at airports and border crossings. The company offers a range of solutions, including biometric Travel Authorization and eVisa systems, which assist in the screening and vetting of travelers. Its platform collects vital passenger information, including biographic data, biometrics, itineraries, and health details, allowing officials to efficiently validate entry requirements. Additionally, Travizory provides advanced services such as turnkey Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems, as well as facial and temperature verification corridors at entry and exit points. The firm also develops mobile applications, including a passport wallet app, to further streamline travel processes. Founded in 2019 and based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Travizory is equipped with a knowledgeable team experienced in both technology and government solutions.

Healthy Networks

Funding Round in 2020
Healthy Networks, based in Minsk, Belarus, specializes in developing innovative healthcare solutions, particularly through its product, Lung Passport. This digital stethoscope, integrated with a mobile application, enables users to assess their lung health by analyzing recorded lung sounds. Utilizing advanced neural network technology, Lung Passport can quickly identify and correlate abnormal sounds, such as crackles and wheezes, with specific respiratory conditions. The application also includes a tailored questionnaire to enhance its diagnostic accuracy, effectively detecting four common lower respiratory disorders: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and COPD. By allowing users to monitor their respiratory health over time and receive alerts for potential flare-ups, Lung Passport serves as a convenient tool for managing respiratory issues, reducing unnecessary emergency visits. Currently, the system is undergoing clinical trials, with promising preliminary results indicating a 93% accuracy rate in sound detection.


Seed Round in 2020
Niro GmbH operates an online platform that provides customer interaction flows. It offers online marketing optimization, lead generation, personalized questions paths, and pixel customization services. The company was incorporated in 2020 and is based in Hamburg, Germany.


Series A in 2020
Meditopia is a mental health platform focused on improving individual well-being through guided meditations, music, and contemplative content. The app is designed to help users manage stress, enhance sleep quality, and cultivate inner peace in a fast-paced world. By integrating mindfulness with scientific principles, Meditopia offers a personalized and intuitive experience tailored to diverse audiences. The platform features numerous meditation sessions crafted by experienced mindfulness experts, allowing users to develop the mental resilience and happiness necessary for daily life. Meditopia's mission is to empower people globally to discover happiness within themselves and foster a healthier mindset.


Series B in 2020
Wandelbots GmbH, based in Dresden, Germany, is a startup focused on simplifying the programming of industrial robots. The company has developed sensor-attached wearables that allow users to teach robots through demonstration, eliminating the need for coding. By wearing a suit equipped with sensors, operators can perform tasks that the robots then learn to replicate. Wandelbots' software tracks these movements and creates machine learning models from multiple demonstrations, which generate automation workflows that can be refined and optimized. The system is designed to be self-adaptive, allowing robots to adjust to dynamic environments through automatic anomaly detection and process adaptation. This innovative approach significantly reduces the time and cost associated with automation projects, making it accessible for both small and large enterprises.


Series B in 2020
MEDWING serves as the most trusted and convenient platform for finding opportunities and working in healthcare. From temporary to permanent staffing, we simplify hiring, allowing healthcare professionals to do what they do best -- care. MEDWING Berlin-based company wants to empower healthcare candidates to work in a way that suits their individual lifestyles and to support hospitals and care facilities in recruiting and human resource management.


Series C in 2020
Zenjob GmbH, founded in 2015 and based in Berlin, Germany, operates an online recruitment platform focused on connecting temporary workers with part-time job opportunities across various sectors, including hospitality, retail, and gastronomy. The company has developed a mobile application that streamlines the job search and recruitment process, allowing users to receive real-time job offers directly on their smartphones. Job seekers can apply online, undergo personal interviews, and, upon successful placement, receive compensation after completing two weeks of service. Zenjob partners with numerous businesses, including those in the catering and hotel industries, to address their short-term staffing needs effectively. The platform emphasizes customer feedback and regularly surveys clients to maintain high service standards. Fluency in German may be required for certain positions, as specified in job descriptions.


Series A in 2020
Choco is a startup focused on revolutionizing the food supply chain by connecting restaurants with suppliers through an innovative ingredient ordering application. This platform simplifies the ordering process and enhances communication, allowing restaurants to manage their ingredient needs more efficiently. The application's user-friendly design, reminiscent of popular consumer apps, features a chat interface for seamless interaction and a streamlined ordering list. By fostering connections on a global scale, Choco aims to optimize the food supply network, making it more transparent and accessible for all parties involved. The company is actively working to build a robust user base among restaurants and suppliers who are interested in enhancing their operational networks.


Pre Seed Round in 2020
Apryl is a fertility benefits platform that helps in overcoming inequality.


Series A in 2020
PharmaCCX, Inc. is a technology platform designed to enhance the pricing and procurement processes for medicines, particularly in oncology, benefiting healthcare payers and pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Europe. The platform facilitates access agreements for various pricing models, including combination therapies, indication-based pricing, gene therapy, and value-based arrangements. By enabling pharmaceutical companies to make contingent commitments while negotiations with payers are ongoing, PharmaCCX promotes collaboration among all stakeholders to improve patient access to critical therapies. Founded in 2017 and based in Boston, Massachusetts, PharmaCCX also has offices in Stockholm, San Mateo, and Zug.


Venture Round in 2020
Rows, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, offers a spreadsheet-based software solution that allows users to create web applications. Its platform enables users to access business data and APIs, facilitating tasks such as finding and enriching information about companies and individuals, tracking stock prices, and sending emails. By leveraging familiar spreadsheet functions, Rows empowers users to automate processes and integrate various online services, making it a versatile tool for data management and application development.


Pre Seed Round in 2020
Compa is a company that offers an operating system platform tailored for architectural and engineering firms involved in construction projects. The platform addresses the challenges of unstructured and delayed payments and invoices in the construction industry. It provides tools for managing various operational aspects of projects, including cost estimation, tender management, project oversight, time tracking for employees, and invoicing. By streamlining these management activities, Compa allows architects and engineers to concentrate more on their design work, ultimately improving efficiency and reducing administrative burdens in construction project management.


Venture Round in 2020
Sendify AB is an online platform based in Gothenburg, Sweden, that specializes in providing shipping solutions for small shippers. Founded in 2015, the company enables these businesses to book shipments with leading carriers through a user-friendly transport management system (TMS). By leveraging the collective purchasing power of small shippers, Sendify offers significant discounts on shipping rates, allowing users to choose between cost and delivery time. The platform operates at no charge, with customers only paying for actual shipments. Since its inception, Sendify has assisted over 6,000 businesses in shipping globally and has gained recognition as a leading TMS in Sweden. With a growing team of over 30 employees, Sendify is committed to empowering small businesses by transforming logistics into a competitive advantage, and it is poised for further growth both domestically and internationally.


Series A in 2020
Caspar Health creates innovative solutions that help people live independent healthy lives. They support healthcare facilities with their world-class medical know-how and cutting-edge technology to offer better and more sustainable care to their patients. They work hard everyday to find new ways for rehabilitation and prevention. With us, the best expertise is custom tailored to meet individual needs, accessible 24/7 without limits on their app, ensuring sustainable treatment and recovery.


Seed Round in 2020
mercavus GmbH operates an online platform that connects independent retailers and brands to facilitate wholesale shopping. Its platform enables retailers to buy products from around the world without having to worry about country borders, different currencies, or language barriers. The company is based in Berlin, Germany.


Series A in 2019
Plantix is a leading agricultural technology application designed to assist farmers in diagnosing crop issues such as pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies. By leveraging artificial intelligence and insights from global research institutions, the app enables users to upload images of affected plants and receive accurate diagnoses along with tailored treatment options. This innovative platform not only helps farmers address immediate problems but also offers guidance on preventing crop loss and optimizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Developed by Peat GmbH, Plantix serves millions of users, providing valuable insights into smallholder farming practices and disease spread, ultimately contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.


Seed Round in 2019
Enway GmbH operates an online platform that enables autonomous operations of specialty vehicles. It provides precise navigation and path planning optimization for street cleaning; coverage path planning; and sensor fusion approach solutions that combines inputs from cameras, radars, and wheel odometer. Enway GmbH was founded in 2017 and is based in Berlin, Germany.


Seed Round in 2019
Turbine Ltd is a biotechnology company based in Budapest, Hungary, founded in 2015. It specializes in the development of computational models that predict biological and clinical outcomes to aid in cancer drug development. Utilizing its proprietary Simulated Cell technology alongside artificial intelligence, Turbine focuses on understanding the intricate mechanisms of cancer. This approach facilitates the discovery of novel protein targets and precision biomarkers, enhancing the translation of research to patient care. The company also creates cancer combination therapies that clarify the underlying biology of diseases and personalize treatment options. By leveraging bioinformatics and network medicine, Turbine effectively simulates complex interventions, allowing for the screening of numerous drug combinations on simulated cells. This innovative process aims to provide cancer patients with low-cost and effective treatment plans.


Venture Round in 2019
Centrifuge Inc. is a developer of a decentralized blockchain-based platform aimed at transforming the global financial supply chain. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, with an additional office in Berlin, Germany, Centrifuge provides a secure and privacy-preserving protocol that facilitates peer-to-peer transactions while allowing businesses to retain ownership of their data. This includes validated company information, business relationships, and transaction history. The platform enables participants to interact within a global network, promoting economic opportunity through the easy creation of applications and functionality by third-party service providers. Centrifuge's team, which has a history of collaborating on successful software ventures, focuses on addressing real business challenges with solutions that handle significant transaction volumes daily.


Venture Round in 2019
Centrifuge Inc. is a developer of a decentralized blockchain-based platform aimed at transforming the global financial supply chain. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, with an additional office in Berlin, Germany, Centrifuge provides a secure and privacy-preserving protocol that facilitates peer-to-peer transactions while allowing businesses to retain ownership of their data. This includes validated company information, business relationships, and transaction history. The platform enables participants to interact within a global network, promoting economic opportunity through the easy creation of applications and functionality by third-party service providers. Centrifuge's team, which has a history of collaborating on successful software ventures, focuses on addressing real business challenges with solutions that handle significant transaction volumes daily.


Series A in 2019
Choco is a startup focused on revolutionizing the food supply chain by connecting restaurants with suppliers through an innovative ingredient ordering application. This platform simplifies the ordering process and enhances communication, allowing restaurants to manage their ingredient needs more efficiently. The application's user-friendly design, reminiscent of popular consumer apps, features a chat interface for seamless interaction and a streamlined ordering list. By fostering connections on a global scale, Choco aims to optimize the food supply network, making it more transparent and accessible for all parties involved. The company is actively working to build a robust user base among restaurants and suppliers who are interested in enhancing their operational networks.


Pre Seed Round in 2019
Decentriq makes data collaboration simple and safe by leveraging confidential computing. Sensitive data is extremely valuable and at the same time very hard to leverage and analyze safely. Decentriq’s software platform enables our clients and partners to securely analyze sensitive data. No friction, easy to test and apply while providing state-of-art security. The platform proves the privacy and security of the data from any other party, including us. It allows complete confidentiality for computations, even while sitting in a public cloud. More under:


Series A in 2019
BEAT81 is the most interactive, intelligent and intense group fitness experience on the market.


Seed Round in 2019
Picterra SA operates an online platform that automates artificial intelligence (AI) workflows for object detection to extract geo-information. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Écublens, Switzerland, the company integrates AI with satellite, drone, and aerial data to help users monitor and anticipate environmental changes. Picterra serves various sectors, including aerial imaging and mapping, financial services, insurance, journalism, precision agriculture, real estate, utilities, infrastructure, as well as public organizations and NGOs. The platform is designed to empower users by allowing them to train and customize AI models without requiring programming or deep learning expertise, thus facilitating the extraction of relevant geo-information tailored to their specific needs.


Pre Seed Round in 2019
Construction, Concrete 3D Printing, Automation, Robotics, Digital Concrete


Series A in 2019
familynet developes Looping. Looping is a social organizer which helps to share events between individuals, groups, organizations and brands


Seed Round in 2019
Meditopia is a mental health platform focused on improving individual well-being through guided meditations, music, and contemplative content. The app is designed to help users manage stress, enhance sleep quality, and cultivate inner peace in a fast-paced world. By integrating mindfulness with scientific principles, Meditopia offers a personalized and intuitive experience tailored to diverse audiences. The platform features numerous meditation sessions crafted by experienced mindfulness experts, allowing users to develop the mental resilience and happiness necessary for daily life. Meditopia's mission is to empower people globally to discover happiness within themselves and foster a healthier mindset.


Seed Round in 2019
Hypcloud provides a digital platform for commercial real estate financing. We support real estate developers and investors with their financing by providing access to suitable lenders and the online tools to request, close and manage financings successfully.


Series A in 2019
Cara by HiDoc Technologies is a Berlin-based pharmaceutical company established in 2015 that focuses on empowering patients with chronic digestive diseases. The company develops digital therapeutics aimed at enhancing existing therapies for gastrointestinal disorders. Cara's primary offering is a virtual health advising application that allows users to maintain a personal food and symptom diary. This application enables patients to track their dietary choices and record symptoms such as pain and bloating, helping them identify patterns related to their health. By providing tools for self-monitoring and understanding their conditions, Cara seeks to facilitate better health management for individuals suffering from digestive issues.


Pre Seed Round in 2019
Lano Software GmbH is a Berlin-based company that offers a software-as-a-service platform designed to facilitate collaboration among businesses, freelancers, and vendors. Founded in 2018, Lano provides tools that help users manage proposals, track income and expenses, create invoices, and organize work schedules. The platform serves various industries, including content creation, media production, marketing, advertising, and fitness. Lano's solutions enable organizations to manage their global teams efficiently, automate onboarding processes, ensure compliance, and streamline invoicing. For freelancers and contractors, the platform simplifies client management, invoicing, and payment processes, promoting a flexible and independent work environment. Through its cloud-based platform and mobile application, Lano aims to enhance collaboration and improve operational efficiency for both companies and individual talent.


Series B in 2019
Keatz GmbH, based in Berlin, Germany, operates as a delivery-only restaurant network that specializes in fresh salads and ready-to-eat snacks. Founded in 2015, the company aims to provide a modern fusion of indulgent and comforting dishes through a meticulous process that ensures meals arrive at customers' doors in optimal quality. Keatz's culinary team continuously explores emerging culinary trends and techniques to enhance their offerings. The company emphasizes sustainability by utilizing eco-friendly electric scooters for delivery, positioning itself as a convenient and environmentally conscious option for on-demand fast-casual dining.


Series A in 2019
Kreatize GmbH is a technology company that provides innovative software solutions tailored for manufacturing firms. Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Tübingen, Germany, it operates an online B2B platform that facilitates the production of technical components, including prototypes and small batch series. The platform utilizes intelligent software to identify the most suitable manufacturing processes and materials for client projects, seamlessly connecting them to an extensive network of manufacturing service providers specializing in additive manufacturing, CNC machining, and casting. By digitizing the ordering and manufacturing processes, Kreatize enables companies to receive comprehensive quotations within 120 minutes, enhancing efficiency and agility in the procurement of custom parts. The company aims to empower small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany and Europe, supporting their success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Seed Round in 2019
Vantik GmbH is a Berlin-based startup that specializes in digital private pension products aimed at millennials. Founded in 2017, the company offers retirement planning services through an online platform and mobile application, allowing young people, professionals, and freelancers to manage their pensions easily. Vantik provides its services via an account at DAB BNP Paribas bank, emphasizing flexibility and security in retirement savings. The company seeks to inspire millennials to take an active role in planning for their financial future.


Series B in 2019
Cluno GmbH, based in Munich, Germany, provides a digital car subscription service designed to offer a flexible alternative to traditional car ownership and leasing models. Founded in 2017, the company allows customers to access a vehicle through a monthly package that covers nearly all associated costs, including maintenance, insurance, vehicle tax, and registration. With a minimum booking period of six months, customers have the option to change, pause, or continue their subscription after the initial term, subject to a notice period. Cluno's model aims to simplify the car ownership experience by eliminating the uncertainties and complexities involved in buying or selling a vehicle. The company has received support from notable venture capital investors, enhancing its position in the mobility market.


Series B in 2018
Vimcar GmbH develops a digital car logbook based on an on board diagnostic (OBD) plug, which connects to the cloud and records trip made by the car. Vimcar GmbH was formerly known as Vimba GmbH. The company was founded in 2013 and is based in Berlin, Germany.


Series A in 2018
Wandelbots GmbH, based in Dresden, Germany, is a startup focused on simplifying the programming of industrial robots. The company has developed sensor-attached wearables that allow users to teach robots through demonstration, eliminating the need for coding. By wearing a suit equipped with sensors, operators can perform tasks that the robots then learn to replicate. Wandelbots' software tracks these movements and creates machine learning models from multiple demonstrations, which generate automation workflows that can be refined and optimized. The system is designed to be self-adaptive, allowing robots to adjust to dynamic environments through automatic anomaly detection and process adaptation. This innovative approach significantly reduces the time and cost associated with automation projects, making it accessible for both small and large enterprises.

Smart Host

Series A in 2018
Smart Host GmbH is a Berlin-based company that specializes in developing customer relationship management (CRM) software tailored for the hotel industry. Founded in 2016, the company operates additional offices in Austria and South Tyrol. Smart Host's software consolidates guest-related information from property management systems and other sources, facilitating highly targeted and automated marketing campaigns. It provides services such as data cleansing, surveys, campaign planning, segmentation, dynamic content delivery, and analytics. The platform enables hotel operators to launch GDPR-compliant campaigns efficiently in multiple languages and track their effectiveness down to individual bookings. Through its innovative solutions, Smart Host aims to enhance guest retention, optimize inventory utilization, and maximize direct bookings for hoteliers.


Series A in 2018
MEDWING serves as the most trusted and convenient platform for finding opportunities and working in healthcare. From temporary to permanent staffing, we simplify hiring, allowing healthcare professionals to do what they do best -- care. MEDWING Berlin-based company wants to empower healthcare candidates to work in a way that suits their individual lifestyles and to support hospitals and care facilities in recruiting and human resource management.


Seed Round in 2018
PharmaCCX, Inc. is a technology platform designed to enhance the pricing and procurement processes for medicines, particularly in oncology, benefiting healthcare payers and pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Europe. The platform facilitates access agreements for various pricing models, including combination therapies, indication-based pricing, gene therapy, and value-based arrangements. By enabling pharmaceutical companies to make contingent commitments while negotiations with payers are ongoing, PharmaCCX promotes collaboration among all stakeholders to improve patient access to critical therapies. Founded in 2017 and based in Boston, Massachusetts, PharmaCCX also has offices in Stockholm, San Mateo, and Zug.


Series B in 2018
Zenjob GmbH, founded in 2015 and based in Berlin, Germany, operates an online recruitment platform focused on connecting temporary workers with part-time job opportunities across various sectors, including hospitality, retail, and gastronomy. The company has developed a mobile application that streamlines the job search and recruitment process, allowing users to receive real-time job offers directly on their smartphones. Job seekers can apply online, undergo personal interviews, and, upon successful placement, receive compensation after completing two weeks of service. Zenjob partners with numerous businesses, including those in the catering and hotel industries, to address their short-term staffing needs effectively. The platform emphasizes customer feedback and regularly surveys clients to maintain high service standards. Fluency in German may be required for certain positions, as specified in job descriptions.

German Bionic

Seed Round in 2018
German Bionic Systems GmbH specializes in the development and manufacturing of exoskeleton devices tailored for industrial applications. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Augsburg, Germany, the company also has offices in Berlin, Tokyo, and Singapore. Its flagship product, the German Bionic CRAY X, is an intelligent wearable exoskeleton designed to assist users in various industries during manual handling tasks. This innovative device combines human intelligence with mechanical power, enhancing the strength and endurance of its users while significantly reducing lower back compression forces. By prioritizing ergonomic design and lightweight materials, the exoskeleton offers comfort and usability, aimed at preventing injuries associated with manual labor. As a leader in the robotics sector, German Bionic is committed to advancing human capabilities in the context of Industry 4.0.


Seed Round in 2018
Stenon GmbH, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Potsdam, Germany, specializes in designing and manufacturing sensor technology equipment and supporting software for real-time soil analysis in the agriculture sector. The company's innovative product features an ergonomic handle, touch screen, and various sensors that assess critical soil parameters, including temperature, moisture, type, texture, and pH levels. Additionally, it evaluates essential nutrients such as nitrate ammonium, phosphorus, potassium, humus, and magnesium. Stenon's supporting software enhances its hardware capabilities by providing a web interface, connectivity to Schlagkartei, beat mapping, weather data integration, fertilizer quantity recommendations, and insights into soil dynamics over time. This comprehensive approach enables farmers to make informed decisions for optimizing soil health and agricultural productivity.


Pre Seed Round in 2018
Bliq GmbH, founded in 2017 and based in Berlin, Germany, specializes in developing application software aimed at enhancing the efficiency of rideshare and delivery drivers. The company addresses the challenges of urban mobility by creating a mobility information engine that utilizes real-time data from over 24 million connected vehicles, as well as advanced computer vision technologies. Bliq offers two primary products: Bliq Park, which assists drivers in locating available parking three times faster through predictive analytics and real-time information, and Bliq Ride, designed to increase earnings for taxi and rideshare drivers by improving their positioning near potential passengers. Through these solutions, Bliq aims to optimize urban street mobility and boost driver productivity.
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