Bain Capital

Bain Capital is a prominent private equity firm based in Boston, Massachusetts, founded in 1984. It specializes in various investment strategies, including private equity, venture capital, credit products, and real estate, managing over $95 billion in assets. The firm focuses on a diverse range of sectors such as healthcare, technology, consumer products, and manufacturing. Bain Capital operates through several specialized units, including Bain Capital Double Impact, which emphasizes impact investing in sustainability and social good, and Bain Capital Life Sciences, which targets investments in the life sciences sector. Additionally, Bain Capital Specialty Finance provides direct loans to middle-market companies. The firm is committed to aligning its interests with those of its investors and partners, while also making a positive impact in the communities it serves through charitable initiatives.

Marc Akinbi


Thomas Allen


Eric Anderson

Managing Director and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Maria Andrisani

Partner, Private Equity

Ernesto Anguilla

Partner and Head of Communications and Public Affairs

Tim Anten

Managing Director and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Melaku Arega


Carlos Argilagos


Gunjan Bahl

Managing Director

Lorenzo Bartolini


James Bath

Operating Partner in the Portfolio Group and Member of the European Private Equity team

Taylor Beguhn


Anupam Behura

Managing Director

Jonathan Belitsos

Partner, Private Equity

Nicholas Bendt

Managing Director of Industrial and Energy Vertical and a Member of the European Private Equity team

Saahil Bhatia

Managing Director, Private Equity and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity team

Bruce Biegler


William Bihrle

Managing Director, Technology, Media, Telecommunications and Private Equity and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Riker Bixby


Brooks Blake

Investment Director and Partner, Investments

Andrew Brady


Devon Breton-Pakozdi


Jakob Brevinge


Andrej Busch

Partner, Private Equity and Member of the European Private Equity team

Giovanni Camera

Partner, Technology Financial and Business Services and Member of the European Private Equity team

Edgar Carrero


Phillip Carter

Managing Director

Maria Casciani


Jonah Cashdan


Hui Chan

Managing Director, Consumer, Retail and Dining Vertical, Member of the European Private Equity Team and Member of the Recruiting Team

Amit Chandra

Partner, Private Equity, Chairman of India for the firm, Member of the Financial and Business Services Vertical and Member of the Asian Pacific leadership team

Hunter Chang


Cecilia Chao

Managing Partner

Owen Chapey


Daniel Charnoff

Principal, Industrials and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Shuvam Chaudhuri


Drew Chen

Partner, Private Equity, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Vertical and Founding Member Of The Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Mary Chen


Jamie Chen


Daisy Chen

Managing Director

Leong Cheung

Operating Partner

John Paul Chilazi

Managing Director of Healthcare Vertical and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Mike Choi

Managing Director, Private Equity and Member of the Asian Private Equity Team

Kevin Chong

Partner, Special Situations and Head of Special Situations Portfolio Group

Sarit Chopra

Managing Director

Kei W. Chua

Partner, Special Situations

Tan Chuqiao


Davis Clayson Jr.

Managing Director

Stefan Cohen

Managing Director, Venture, Crypto

Amanda Conklin


Paula Connolly

Partner and Co-Chief Technology Office

Todd Cook

Managing Partner

Michael Cooney


David Cullen

Partner and Head of European Portfolio Group

Frank D'Hollander

Operating Partner

Jennie Daisak


Jennifer Davis

Partner, Private Equity, Consumer and Retail Vertical and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Nathaniel Denby

Vice President

Clarence Deng

Vice President

David DesPrez

Managing Director, Special Situations

Wayne Deveydt

Managing Director and Member of Portfolio Group for North America Private Equity

Sara Diniz


Christina Dix

Partner, Healthcare Vertical and Member of European Private Equity team

Arnaud Doerane

Managing Director, Private Equity, Technology Financial and Business Services Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Jacob Donnelly


David Edelson

Managing Director of Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity

Erin Endres


Eric Erb

Partner and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity

Liraz Evenor

Managing Director Private Equity and Director in the Consumer and Retail Vertical & Member of the Portfolio Group for North America Private Equity

Diane Exter

Managing Director

Andy Fan


Robert Farkas

Partner, Private Equity and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Leonard Feiner


Valentin Fernandez

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Drew Field


Daniel Fishbaum


William Van Fossen


William Foster


Jorge Fournier


Matt Freeman

Partner, Private Equity and Member of The North American Private Equity Team

Michel Freund

Partner and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Pauline Gabrieli


Nick Gattas

Principal, Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Francois Gilbart

Operating Partner, Private Equity

James Goldman


Dylan Goldstein


Ben Gottdiener


Jeffrey Green


Evan Greif

Vice President

Max de Groen

Partner, Private Equity

David Gross-Loh

Co-Managing Partner

Kevin Guan

Managing Director, Private Equity

Soren Haefcke


Dave Hamilton

Partner and Co-Head of Information Technology

Ingrid Hammond

Operating Partner, Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Kim Harris

Managing Director

Alena Harrison

Operating Partner

Joshua Hartz

Partner, Special Situations

Ray Hass

Managing Director and Member of the Asia Pacific Portfolio Group

Jeffrey B. Hawkins

Managing Director

Darren Herman

Managing Director, Private Equity and Member of the North American Private Equity team

Rachel Hersh


Jim Hildebrandt


Alex Hocherman

Managing Director

Alison Holmes

Principal, Private Equity and Consumer, Retail and Dining Vertical & Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Hajime Honda

Managing Director and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Halvor Horten

Partner, Industrials Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity team

Olivia Howard


Catherine Hua


June Huang

Vice President

David Humphrey

Partner, Global Head of the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Vertical and Co-Head of Bain Capital's North American Private Equity

Jonathan Humphrey

Managing Director, Global Macro and Asset Allocation group

Abhiroop Jayanthi

Managing Director and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Sue Jia


Qi Jia

Managing Director

Cristian Jitianu

Partner, Private Equity, Consumer, Retail and Dining and Financial and Business Service Verticals

Philippe Kamel

Principal of European Private Equity Team

Masafumi Kamishiro

Operating Partner, Portfolio Group and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Andrew Kaplan

Partner, Private Equity and Healthcare Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Christopher Kastner

Managing Director, Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity team

Andrew Kateiva

Managing Director

Nick Kazarinoff

Principal, Healthcare Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity Team

James Kellog

Managing Director

Liam Kennedy

Partner and Corporate Controller

Paul Kennedy


Kevin Kerby

Managing Director, Private Equity and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Victoria Khanna

Partner, Investor Relation

Tomohiro Kikuta


John Kilgallon

Partner, Member of the North American Private Equity team and Lead, Capital Markets team

Hyunseung Kim

Managing Director, Portfolio Group and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Daniel Kim

Partner and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Man Kinoshita

Partner of Special Situations

Ryuto Kobayashi

Managing Director

Klaus Koenigshausen


Shintaro Kohmoto


Takatoshi Kojima

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Hayato Kondoh

Principal and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity team

Ashish Kotecha


Joshua de Kroes

Principal, Industrials and Member of the European Private Equity

Hisashi Kubodera

Principal and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Ajay Kumar

Managing Director, Private Equity, Industrial and Energy Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Komi Kyu

Managing Director and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Mohammed Lawal


Charles Lawson

Managing Director and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Max Lechtman


Chris Leddy


Jungwoo Lee

Partner, Industrial and Technology, Media and Telecommunications and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity and Special Situations teams

Casey Leonetti Ph.D

Managing Director, Private Equity

Susan Levine

Partner, Private Equity and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Carolyn Liu

Managing Director

Andrew Liu

Executive Vice President of Asia Portfolio Group

Matt Liu

Principal, Consumer and Retail Vertical and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Zihan Liu


Cara Lorion

Managing Director, Partner and Co-CFO for Coinvest, GP and Partner Services

Phillip Loughlin

Partner, Global Head of the Financial and Business Services Vertical and Member of the Consumer / Retail Vertical

Phil Loughlin

Managing Director

Barnaby Lyons

Partner of Special Situations

James Mackey

Principal, Private Equity and Technology Vertical and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Vibhu Manya

Operating Partner, Private Equity and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Francesco Marra

Managing Director, Portfolio Group and Member of the European Private Equity team

Giacomo Massetti

Managing Director, Consumer and Industrial Verticals and Member of the European Private Equity team

Kimberly McCaslin

Partner, Private Equity and Head of the North America Portfolio Group

Christophe Jacobs van Merlen

Managing Director

Swati Mital

Executive Vice President

Anant Mohta

Vice President

Grace Mollard

Managing Director, Consumer, Retail and Restaurant Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team And Recruiting Team

Sarah Morris

Managing Director of Portfolio Group and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Frank Morton


Paul Moskowitz

Managing Director, Private Equity and Healthcare Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Colin Motley

Managing Director, Technology, Media, Telecom Vertical and Private Equity and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Michael Murphy

Partner, Private Equity

Maurizio Mussi

Partner, Private Equity and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Shunsuke Nakahama

Partner and Member of the Portfolio Group for the Asia Pacific Private Equity

Cara Nealon

Senior Vice President, Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Adam Nebesar

Partner, Private Equity and Consumer, Retail and Dining Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Brandon Nishida


Petr Nosek


Ethan O'Neill


Devin O'Reilly

Partner, Private Equity and Head of the Healthcare Vertical

Kazunari Obama

Principal, Private Equity Tokyo

Martha Obasi

Vice President

Yurio Ogawa

Partner and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Fatima Olalla

Principal, European Private Equity Team

Nicholas Onie

Principal of Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Makoto Ono

Managing Director

Mohaira Osman


Kenichi Ota

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Kohei Otani

Vice President

Jeff Otis

Operating Partner, Private Equity and Portfolio Group and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Steve Pagliuca

Managing Director

Brad Palmer

Managing Director

Jie Pan

Operating Partner

William Pappendick

Managing Director

Minju Park


Wan Jin Park

Principal, Private Equity

Hardi Patel


Sandro Patti


Sam Payne

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Gregory Petros

Principal, Healthcare Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity team

Josh Plavner


Benjamin Prawdzik

Vice President, Consumer and Financial and Business Services Verticals

Marc Pulde

Principal, Industrial and Energy Vertical and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Chen Qian

Managing Director and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Larissa Quinn

Operating Partner

Gianni Renzi


Iris Rhee

Vice President

Peter Riehl

Managing Director

Allyson S. Rinderle

Managing Director

Steve Rizoli


Joseph Robbins

Partner, Private Equity and Industrial Vertical and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Joshua Ross

Managing Director

Douglas Rudisch

Managing Director

Angelo Rufino

Partner, Head of North America Special Situations and Head of Europe Corporate SS

Ali Rundlett


Mark Saadine

Managing Director of Consumer, Retail and Dining Vertical and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Jérémie Saiman

Principal of European Private Equity Team

Youssef Salha

Partner, Private Equity and Member of the European Private Equity team

Linas Samuolis


Tom Sargeant


Matt Sears


Dominik Seitz


Ivano Sessa

Partner, European Co-Head of the Industrial Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Hajime Shimazu

Managing Director and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Jacob Silverman


Harry Simpson

Principal, Technology Financial Business Services Vertical and Member of the European Private Equity team

Ari Singer-Freeman


Pavninder Singh

Partner, Private Equity, Financial and Business Services and Industrial and Energy Verticals and Member Of The Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Pawan Singh

Managing Director

David Spiller

Partner of Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Peter Spring

Partner, Double Impact

David Steiner

Vice President of Real Esate

Kate Steinman


Zhao Su


Pooja Subramaniam


Radhika Subramanian

Principal, Consumer, Retail and Financial services and a Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity team

Masa Suekane


Masashi Suekane

Partner, Industrial and Energy Vertical and a Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Ricky Lijing Sun


Mark Sutton

Chief Information Security Officer and Managing Director

Junichi Takami

Executive Vice President

Yuji Takei

Partner, Private Equity

James Tam

Partner and Managing Director, Private Equity Team, Greater China

William Tetler

Managing Director, Special Situations

Ellinor Thiel

Operating Partner

Aurelia Tichoux

Operating Partner of Portfolio Group and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Miray Topay

Partner, Private Equity

John Toussaint

Managing Director

Pierre-Henri Vacher-Lavenu


Davide Vidotto

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the European Private Equity team

Paolo Vismara

Managing Director, Portfolio Group and Member of the European Private Equity team

Shunsuke Wakita

Principal and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Nigel Walder

Partner, Private Equity

Stephanie Walsh

Managing Director

Danielle Wang

Operating Partner of Portfolio Group Portfolio Group and Member of the North American Private Equity Team

Florence Wang


Renjie Wang

Managing Director and Member of the Asia Pacific Private Equity Team

Michael Ward

Managing Director

Shun Watanabe

Managing Director, Portfolio Group and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Harris Weber


Sam Weil

Principal, Private Equity and Member Of The North American Private Equity Team

Lauren Weishaar


James Weldon


Radhesh Welling


Robert F. White


Phil Wieland

Operating Partner

Shena Willis

Principal, Private Equity and Member of the European Private Equity Team

Eli Winkler

Managing Director, Private Equity

Patricia Winton

Partner and Head of ESG

Natalie Wright

Partner and Head of Investment Operations, Private Equity

Ray Xi

Managing Director

Yang Jr., Ph.D., Julie


Frank Yao

Managing Director

Takumi Yoshikawa

Operating Partner and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

Martina Yu

Principal, Private Equity and member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity team

Mao Zhou

Vice President

Lina Zhou

Principal, Private Equity, Consumer, Retail and Dining vertical and Member of European Private Equity team

Jack Zhu

Vice President

Jia Zhu

Partner, Private Equity and Co-Head of Asia Private Equity

Charles Megaw Ph.D

Partner, Private Equity and Member of Portfolio Group for Europe Private Equity

R.J Cunio


Zhenyu Zhang Ph.D

Managing Director and Member of the Asian Pacific Private Equity Team

248 past transactions

Surf Internet

Private Equity Round in 2023
Surf internet offers fiber-optic internet access. They provide fiber optic internet, wireless internet, whole-home wifi, and streaming TV services. They offer high-speed, dependable internet service. In the communities where they live, work, and serve, they provide customer service.

Nimbus Apollo

Venture Round in 2022
Nimbus Therapeutics is a biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that specializes in discovering and developing innovative small molecule therapeutics for serious diseases, including metabolic disorders, cancer, and immune-inflammatory conditions. The company employs a computational technology-driven approach to advance its diverse pipeline of drug candidates into clinical development. Its Nimbus Apollo program includes the lead candidate NDI-010976, an allosteric inhibitor targeting Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase, which is being investigated for treating non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, among other diseases. NDI-010976 received Fast Track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2016, and the company aims to leverage its strategic partnerships to enhance its research and development efforts. Founded in 2009, Nimbus Therapeutics continues to focus on creating highly selective and potent medicines that address unmet medical needs.

Areteia Therapeutics

Series A in 2022
Areteia Therapeutics is a biotechnology company focused on improving the management of eosinophilic asthma through an innovative oral drug treatment. The company, which emerged from Knopp, aims to provide patients with a novel therapeutic option that inhibits the maturation of eosinophils—cells that can cause airway damage in asthma patients. Its drug candidate has demonstrated promising results in a phase 2 clinical trial, which showed a reduction in blood eosinophil counts, indicating enhanced lung function. This approach seeks to empower patients by offering a potentially effective and accessible treatment for a severe form of asthma, thereby improving their quality of life and disease management.

Annexon Biosciences

Post in 2022
Annexon Biosciences is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative therapies for autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases that are influenced by the classical complement pathway. The company’s research revolves around C1q, a key molecule that, when aberrantly activated, contributes to various disease processes. Its lead product candidates include ANX005, a monoclonal antibody designed for intravenous administration, which has completed Phase 1b trials for treating Guillain-Barré syndrome, and ANX007, formulated for intravitreal use, which has also completed Phase 1b trials aimed at glaucoma treatment. Additionally, Annexon is advancing preclinical candidates targeting conditions such as warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and geographic atrophy. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in South San Francisco, California, the company employs a biomarker-driven strategy to ensure effective engagement of its therapies in the intended patient populations.

X4 Pharmaceuticals

Post in 2022
X4 Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that specializes in developing novel therapeutics for primary immune deficiencies and cancer. Its lead drug candidate, mavorixafor, is an oral small molecule antagonist of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and is currently undergoing various clinical trials, including a Phase III trial for patients with warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis syndrome, as well as trials for severe congenital neutropenia and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. The company is also advancing X4P-002, which targets glioblastoma multiforme, and X4P-003, aimed at treating primary immune deficiencies. Additionally, X4 Pharmaceuticals has a collaboration with Abbisko Therapeutics to explore mavorixafor in combination with checkpoint inhibitors for oncology applications. Founded in 2014, X4 Pharmaceuticals was previously known as Arsanis, Inc. before rebranding in 2019.

Cuisine Solutions

Post in 2022
Cuisine Solutions, Inc. is a United States-based provider of sous-vide products, specializing in the production and marketing of fully-cooked, frozen, and prepared foods. The company's diverse product portfolio includes a variety of meats such as beef, lamb, pork, veal, and poultry, as well as seafood, sauces, pasta, sides, and vegetarian options. Cuisine Solutions serves various distribution channels and markets its offerings across different geographic regions.


Seed Round in 2022
Bubbles is a contextual collaboration tool that enables users to communicate asynchronously by tagging content directly on their screens. The platform facilitates discussions in-context through screen, video, and audio messages, allowing team members to capture, comment, and share information without the need for account creation or installation. Bubbles promotes organic growth and viral engagement rather than relying on paid advertising. It is actively engaged on various social media platforms, including Medium, Twitter, and Product Hunt, to enhance its visibility and user interaction.

IIFL Finance

Post in 2022
IIFL Holdings Limited, previously known as India Infoline Limited, serves as the apex holding company for the IIFL Group, a prominent financial services entity in India. The company offers a diverse range of financial products and services, including credit and finance, wealth management, asset management, financial product distribution, capital market advisory, and investment banking. IIFL primarily targets retail customers, boasting a client base of over 2 million, which includes many first-time investors in mutual funds, insurance, and consumer credit. This extensive reach is supported by more than 2,700 business locations and innovative marketing strategies, such as seminar sales and mobile vans for outreach in smaller regions. With a significant focus on non-banking financial services, IIFL's lending and NBFC operations constituted a substantial portion of its income. The company is recognized as a leader in the distribution of life insurance and mutual funds among non-bank entities, while maintaining a strong presence in both retail and institutional equity broking.


Series B in 2022
FreeWill is an online estate planning platform based in New York, founded in 2016 by graduate students from Stanford University. The company provides free access to legal forms and information, making estate planning more accessible and straightforward for individuals. Its services are designed to help users create wills and make charitable donations in a tax-advantaged manner, facilitating bequests and contributions to causes they care about. By offering these tools at no cost, FreeWill aims to simplify the estate planning process and support users in caring for their loved ones and philanthropic interests.


Series A in 2022
Overview Corporation specializes in developing advanced computer vision systems and smart cameras aimed at enhancing operational efficiency in wire and cable manufacturing. The company's technology focuses on real-time error detection and equipment monitoring, utilizing artificial intelligence to learn normal machine routines and identify deviations, crashes, and anomalies. Its inspection and monitoring systems are designed to prevent significant damage to products or machinery by catching issues such as misalignments and breakages early in the manufacturing process. Additionally, Overview Corporation's platform offers built-in analytics for remote factory tracking and provides users with live video feeds, event detection, and custom alerts, ensuring comprehensive operational visibility. Founded in 2018 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, the company serves the manufacturing sector across the United States.


Series B in 2022
Swoogo is the #1 event marketing software for planners who like to get sh!t done. Whether your events are live, hybrid, or virtual, we gotchu— with the world’s smartest registration, easiest site builder, and best customer service. Pepper in unlimited events, unlimited registrations, and unlimited free integrations and you’ve got yourself a turkey. Let’s get sh!t done together.

AqueoUS Vets

Private Equity Round in 2022
Manufacturer of water treatment systems intended for government agencies and private industrial and commercial sectors. The company's integrated approach delivers the entire treatment system from the influent to effluent flanges on the treatment pad and advanced designs that incorporate best corrosion management practices, optimal hydraulic performance, and media utilization, providing clients with long-term operational reliability at a cost-effective rate.

Zero Hash

Series D in 2022
Zero Hash, founded in 2017 and based in Chicago, Illinois, provides a post-trade settlement utility designed to unify a fragmented market of various execution platforms. The company supports a diverse array of fiat and digital assets, allowing for the creation of any product pair. Additionally, Zero Hash incorporates on-chain settlement for digital assets, enabling independent verification of ownership through blockchain technology. This combination of features aims to enhance the efficiency and transparency of digital asset transactions in the financial ecosystem.


Series A in 2021
Origem is based in Brazil.

Avistone Pharmaceuticals

Private Equity Round in 2021
Avistone Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on precision oncology therapeutics.


Venture Round in 2021
Hometap Equity Partners, LLC, based in Boston, Massachusetts, offers homeowners a unique financial solution by providing cash through home equity investments without the burden of debt. Founded in 2017, Hometap allows homeowners to access up to 20 percent of their home's value, enabling them to receive immediate funds for various needs without incurring interest rates, monthly payments, or credit score requirements. This innovative approach aims to enhance financial stability and freedom for homeowners, thereby transforming the traditional landscape of home financing. In addition to its investment services, Hometap also emphasizes homeowner education through a data-driven platform, further supporting its mission to change the face of homeownership.


Series C in 2021
PeopleFund is Korea’s leading tech-based financial platform that is opening doors to financial freedom through affordable loans and attractive alternative investment products. It is the fastest growing marketplace lender in Korea and uniquely positioned as the first and only Korean marketplace lending platform to fully integrate with a top-tier commercial bank to process personal and business loans that are government approved. PeopleFund is also the first fintech platform to offer investment products directly on KakaoTalk, Korea’s most popular messaging app, which has allowed the company to grow and scale up its business. PeopleFund was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Seoul, Korea.


Venture Round in 2021
RentoMojo is an online furniture and appliance rental platform founded in November 2014 by Geetansh Bamania in India. The company operates in several major cities, including Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, and Noida. RentoMojo offers a convenient solution for young professionals and others living in rental properties, allowing them to rent furniture, home appliances, and electronics on a monthly basis. This model enables customers, especially those who frequently relocate, to avoid the hassle of buying and selling durable goods, providing a flexible and cost-effective alternative for furnishing their living spaces.


Series C in 2021
Linc'well Inc. is a Tokyo-based company founded in 2018 that develops a software platform aimed at improving operations within the healthcare sector. The company offers a software as a service (SaaS) solution that facilitates various functions such as web inquiries, call management, payment processing, and electronic medical records management. In addition to these core services, Linc'well provides operational and management support through its brand CLINIC FORE, as well as online services that include medical supplement subscriptions. By serving healthcare institutions and clinics, Linc'well aims to enhance the patient experience and increase the efficiency of clinic management.


Series B in 2021
HiMama provides a quick and easy way for childcare programs and parents to record and share children's activities, everything from silly and fun moments to learning and developmental milestones. The solution for childcare and early learning programs is based on extensive research and interviews with early childhood educators and enables quick and intuitive recording of observations in the early childhood setting, as well as instant sharing with parents through real-time emails and updates through mobile apps. In addition to staying informed on their children's activities while in childcare programs, parents can also log their children’s activities so they’ll never forget their favorite stories and can always relive through photos and videos in their child's online journal.

Virgin Voyages

Venture Round in 2021
Virgin Voyages is a cruise ship company founded by Richard Branson that targets the higher end of the leisure travel market. The business focuses on providing luxury cruise experiences, offering upscale accommodations and a variety of entertainment options. Virgin Voyages aims to deliver adventurous travel experiences to its customers, distinguishing itself with a modern approach to cruising that includes innovative ship designs and unique itineraries. The company seeks to redefine the cruise experience by prioritizing guest satisfaction and high-quality service.

When I Work

Private Equity Round in 2021
When I Work is an employee scheduling and communication platform designed to enhance collaboration between hourly employees and managers. Founded in 2010, the application enables businesses to create work schedules quickly and efficiently, offering tools such as a time clock, team messaging, and payroll tracking. It allows employers to communicate schedules and updates effectively through various channels, including web, mobile apps, text messaging, and social media. The platform aims to improve operational efficiency, drive employee accountability through self-service features, and help businesses manage labor costs more effectively. By streamlining workforce management, When I Work seeks to transform the way businesses interact with their hourly staff.


Venture Round in 2021
Cardurion Pharmaceuticals, LLC is a biotechnology company based in Boston, Massachusetts, established in 2017. The company focuses on developing innovative therapeutics for heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases. In a significant partnership with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, announced in July 2017, Cardurion aims to create next-generation treatments for these conditions, utilizing external innovation to enhance its discovery programs. Additionally, in April 2018, Cardurion entered an exclusive licensing agreement with Astellas for the development and commercialization of CRD-733, a PDE-9 inhibitor. This compound shows promise in improving cardiac function in heart failure patients by potentially restoring protective cellular mechanisms that fail in this condition.


Private Equity Round in 2021
Gluware, Inc. specializes in developing automation and orchestration software for multi-vendor and multi-domain networks. The company's flagship product, Gluware Control, features a data-model driven platform that employs an intent-based, network-aware orchestration engine. This platform includes tools for configuration management, monitoring, and IT system workflow management, with capabilities such as configuration drift auditing, software upgrade management, and WAN traffic routing. Gluware's solutions facilitate the management of both physical and virtual network functions, enhancing security and compliance across network devices. Founded in 2007 and based in Sacramento, California, Gluware has established itself as a leader in network lifecycle management, helping enterprises and managed service providers implement complex network and security features while minimizing deployment and support costs. The company was previously known as Glue Networks, Inc. before rebranding in 2017.


Series C in 2021
Cotopaxi is a direct-to-consumer, outdoor gear, and apparel company with a social-focused mission of eradicating extreme poverty. Every piece of gear is tied to a humanitarian cause in the world’s poorest countries. Every pack provides between one and three weeks of education to a child, the sale of a water bottle provides six months of clean water and all apparel is tied to health related projects. Cotopaxi's aim is to help the world's poorest of the poor and to provide transparency by showing the exact impact of donations. It was founded in 2014 and headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Berlin Brands Group

Private Equity Round in 2021
Berlin Brands Group, founded in 2005 by Peter Chaljawski and part of Chal-Tec GmbH, is a prominent vertical commerce company based in Berlin, Germany. It operates a diverse portfolio of brands across various sectors, including Home & Living, Consumer Electronics, Sound & Light, and Sports. The company manages the complete value chain, encompassing product development, design, production, marketing, and customer service, ensuring a seamless experience from creation to consumer. With over 3,700 products distributed in 28 countries, Berlin Brands Group employs more than 900 staff across six locations, including its headquarters in Berlin and logistics in Kamp-Lintfort. The firm leverages product innovation and online branding expertise to facilitate a direct-to-consumer model, enhancing its presence in the modern lifestyle market.


Series A in 2021
Developer of impact investing solutions designed to increase the flow of capital into ventures solving global and local challenges. The company's services discover and make impact investments, using their donor-advised fund, family office, or private foundation assets and transform the way to find opportunities to invest money for good, enabling philanthropic and financial institutions and their clients to discover, execute and monitor impact investments.

ITP Aero

Acquisition in 2021
Developer and manufacturer of aircraft engine components and gas turbines intended for the aeronautical and industrial engines market. The company provides products including radical structures, turbine discs and shafts, compressor rotors, honeycomb seals and casting and nozzles as well as offers experimental and engineering services, enabling its clients to drive the aerospace industry towards a comparatively more sustainable future.

Imperative Care

Series D in 2021
Imperative Care, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the speed and effectiveness of acute stroke treatment through innovative medical technologies. Founded in 2015 and based in Campbell, California, the company has developed a range of solutions aimed at addressing critical needs in stroke care. Among its offerings is the Large Distal Platform, a large diameter catheter designed to reach treatment sites for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Complementing this is the ZOOM Aspiration System, a comprehensive solution that works in conjunction with the Large Distal Platform and includes various trackable reperfusion catheters for effective clot removal. By advancing stroke treatment technologies, Imperative Care aims to improve patient outcomes and optimize recovery processes for those affected by strokes.

Carson Group

Private Equity Round in 2021
Carson Group Holdings, LLC, based in Omaha, Nebraska, provides a range of services to financial advisors and investors in the United States. The company operates through its subsidiaries, including Carson Wealth and Carson Group Coaching, offering coaching, partnership services, and straightforward financial advice to the investing public. Carson Group provides marketing support through a comprehensive online platform, which includes a client-focused blog and various resources. Additionally, it offers operational and technological support, lead generation marketing services, and tailored consulting solutions for advisors, covering areas such as portfolio management, financial planning, risk management, estate planning, tax planning, and private trust services. Founded in 1983, Carson Group aims to assist financial advisors in enhancing their practices and ensuring clients achieve stable financial wealth.


Series C in 2021
Moveworks, Inc. is a developer of a cloud-based AI platform that addresses IT support issues for enterprises. Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Mountain View, California, with an additional office in Culver City, the company provides a solution that autonomously resolves various employee requests, such as ordering hardware, requesting software access, and checking the status of open tickets. Utilizing chat applications like Slack, Moveworks enables seamless interaction and delivers automated solutions without the need for human intervention. The platform is designed to enhance employee productivity by leveraging natural language processing to understand organizational nuances and automate tasks across different systems. Moveworks serves a diverse clientele, including prominent brands and Fortune 500 companies, making it a vital partner in maintaining operational efficiency.
Nautilus Biotechnology is a development-stage life sciences company focused on advancing proteomics, the study of proteins and their functions, to enhance therapeutic development and medical diagnostics. The company has created a platform technology that aims to quantify and unravel the complexities of the human proteome. Its flagship product, the Proteomic Analysis System, is a prototype single-molecule instrument designed to facilitate these efforts. The team at Nautilus comprises experts from various disciplines, including protein chemistry, molecular biology, and data science, enabling a multifaceted approach to overcoming challenges in the field. By harnessing this diverse expertise, Nautilus aims to revolutionize drug development and improve healthcare management through personalized and predictive medicine.


Private Equity Round in 2021
ConvenientMD Urgent Care offers convenient access to high-quality medical care, at the most affordable rates around. Patients can just walk in, without making an appointment, from 8 am to 8 pm, seven days a week. Patients are typically in and out in under 1 hour and there is always a full medical team on site. The center has friendly staff who provide world-class customer service with state-of-the-art medical equipment, including digital x-ray, lab, EKG, and IV equipment. ConvenientMD’s expert medical team is ready and equipped to treat a broad range of injuries and illness. ConvenientMD has NH locations in Bedford, Concord, Dover, Exeter, Keene, Merrimack, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Windham. Maine locations include Westbrook and Portland, with additional locations opening throughout New England.


Series D in 2021
ViaCyte, Inc. is a regenerative medicine company based in San Diego, California, focused on developing innovative cell replacement therapies for diabetes. The company is working on several product candidates, including VC-01, designed for type 1 diabetes, and VC-02, which facilitates blood vessel interaction with implanted pancreatic precursor cells. Their VCTX210 product utilizes a proprietary human stem cell line that helps prevent immune system rejection, eliminating the need for immunosuppressants. ViaCyte's therapies differentiate stem cells into pancreatic beta-cell precursors that are implanted in an encapsulation device, enabling the production of insulin in response to blood glucose levels. The company's aim is to provide long-term solutions for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients, reducing their dependence on insulin and minimizing associated health complications. Founded in 1999 and formerly known as Novocell, Inc., ViaCyte also has operations in Athens, Georgia.

GreenLight Fund

Private Equity Round in 2021
GreenLight Fund
Cerevel ( is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing drug candidates to treat disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). The company has a portfolio of pre-commercial neuroscience assets, which include three clinical-stage compounds and several pre-clinical compounds designed to target a broad range of CNS disorders including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, schizophrenia and addiction. Headquartered in the Greater Boston area, Cerevel was formed in 2018 through a partnership between Bain Capital and Pfizer.
Crinetics Pharmaceuticals discovers and develops novel therapeutics targeting peptide hormone receptors for the treatment of endocrine-related diseases and cancers. Their programs are derived from internal discovery efforts and use objective hormonal biomarker endpoints for preclinical and clinical studies to reduce both the risk and cost to achieve meaningful clinical data. Crinetics is seeking motivated partners to help advance Their programs to become commercially successful products.

Hand In Hand Soap

Funding Round in 2021
Hand in Hand Soap, founded in 2011 by Bill Glaab and Courtney Apple, is a personal care brand based in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. The company offers a range of products, including bar soap, liquid hand soap, hand sanitizer, body wash, sugar scrubs, and lotions. Committed to social responsibility, Hand in Hand operates a Give Back program that donates a bar of soap and provides clean water to a child in need for every product sold. Over the past decade, the company has donated more than 13 million bars of soap and facilitated access to clean water for thousands. Additionally, Hand in Hand prioritizes sustainability by ensuring all its products are palm oil free, while raising awareness about the environmental and human rights issues associated with palm oil production.


Series E in 2021
Harry's, Inc. is a consumer packaged goods company that specializes in manufacturing and selling shaving products and personal care items for men. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in New York, the company designs and produces its own line of razors, replacement blades, shaving creams, grooming kits, and face care products. Harry's operates an online platform that allows customers to purchase products a-la-carte or through a subscription model, facilitating convenient access to grooming essentials. By focusing on quality and affordability, Harry's aims to meet the needs of modern consumers seeking effective personal care solutions.

Newlink Group

Private Equity Round in 2021
Delivering results through thinking that harnesses the power of change.


Series E in 2021
Newlink primarily operates as a digital energy service provider. It promotes energy change, the energy Internet of Things EIoT, and an energy new retail platform. It is a dual-material unicorn at home and abroad, one of the world's top 500 new energy companies, with more than 3,000 employees. Covering oil, electricity, hydrogen, and gas multiple energy categories, opening up the upstream and downstream of the energy industry chain, and digitally reconstructing the energy ecology.

X4 Pharmaceuticals

Post in 2021
X4 Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that specializes in developing novel therapeutics for primary immune deficiencies and cancer. Its lead drug candidate, mavorixafor, is an oral small molecule antagonist of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and is currently undergoing various clinical trials, including a Phase III trial for patients with warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis syndrome, as well as trials for severe congenital neutropenia and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. The company is also advancing X4P-002, which targets glioblastoma multiforme, and X4P-003, aimed at treating primary immune deficiencies. Additionally, X4 Pharmaceuticals has a collaboration with Abbisko Therapeutics to explore mavorixafor in combination with checkpoint inhibitors for oncology applications. Founded in 2014, X4 Pharmaceuticals was previously known as Arsanis, Inc. before rebranding in 2019.


Post in 2021
Oncopeptides AB is a pharmaceutical company based in Stockholm, Sweden, focused on developing innovative treatments for cancer, particularly hematological cancers such as multiple myeloma. Founded in 2000, the company is currently in the clinical stage and is known for its lead product candidate, melflufen. This compound is a novel peptide-conjugated alkylator that operates through a peptidase potentiated therapy, enabling targeted delivery of cytotoxic agents to cancer cells. Melflufen triggers rapid and irreversible DNA damage, demonstrating potent anti-angiogenic properties. It is undergoing Phase 2 efficacy studies aimed at patients with relapsed and relapsed-refractory multiple myeloma. Oncopeptides has received early-stage financing to support its research and development efforts, positioning itself as a key player in the oncology sector.

Xilio Therapeutics

Series C in 2021
Xilio Therapeutics is a biotechnology company advancing next-generation cancer immunotherapies designed to improve patient outcomes by unleashing the power of the immune system selectively at the site of the tumor. The company’s tumor-selective immunotherapies are based on its proprietary technology, which maximizes the potency of proven immuno-oncology therapies and restricts their activity to the tumor to minimize peripheral side effects. The broad applicability of these therapies across cancer types means that all patients could benefit from these potentially curative medicines. These tumor-selective therapies are designed to overcome the significant toxicities associated with validated IO therapies, such as IL-2 and aCTLA4, which have historically limited the number of patients that can be treated and prevented patients from completing full courses of treatment Xilio Therapeutics proprietary technology enables the explosion of therapeutic activity specifically within the tumor while reducing toxicity throughout the body a nod to the company name, Xilio, derived from the Latin term, Ex Nihilo, meaning creation or big-bang. The company applying its technology to build a broad pipeline of engineered antibodies, cytokines and chemokines as potential new options for people living with cancer. Xilio Therapeutics was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States.

Parksons Packaging

Acquisition in 2021
Parksons Packaging Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of packaging products based in Mumbai, India, established in 1996. The company specializes in producing high-quality folding cartons and litho-laminated cartons, catering to a diverse range of industries including fast-moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, retail, apparel, and electronics. By collaborating closely with brand owners during the development process, Parksons Packaging aims to create tailored packaging solutions that enhance product visibility and consumer engagement. The company's commitment to quality and innovation has positioned it as a significant player in both the Indian and international packaging markets.

Multi-Specialty HealthCare

Private Equity Round in 2021
Multi-Specialty HealthCare operates more than 30 patient care centers throughout the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area and the Delmarva Peninsula. It employs a patient-centric, integrated model focused on delivering high-quality care to individuals injured in automobile and workplace accidents, regardless of their health insurance status. The company has a team of general practice and urgent care physicians, chiropractors, orthopedists, and other medical specialists who provide a full spectrum of treatment including physical rehabilitation, medical care, and other ancillary services.


Private Equity Round in 2021
TeachTown, Inc., an education company, develops computer aided instruction and new media products. It offers autism software and video modeling-based programs. The company provides TeachTown Basics, a computer-assisted instructional program that allows engaging on computer lessons along with motivational off computer activities for students. The company’s automatic data tracking and reporting system allows teachers to allot time for individual attention with their students, as well as enables them to address early learning standards and individualized education plan goals. It serves schools, families, and clinicians serving students with autism and other special needs. The company was founded in 2003 and is based in Los Angeles, Washington.


Series B in 2021
EQRx operates as a biotechnology company, focused on re-engineering the process from drug discovery to patient delivery with the goal of offering a market-based solution for the rising cost of medicines. By bringing together stakeholders from across the healthcare system and utilizing the latest advances in science and technology, the company seeks to discover, develop and deliver high-quality, patent-protected medicines more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever before. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.

Solid Biosciences

Post in 2020
Solid Biosciences Inc. is a life science company focused on developing therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a severe genetic disorder primarily affecting boys. The company's lead candidate, SGT-001, is a gene transfer therapy currently undergoing a Phase I/II clinical trial aimed at restoring functional dystrophin protein expression in muscle tissues. In addition to SGT-001, Solid Biosciences is advancing Anti-LTBP4, a monoclonal antibody designed to mitigate fibrosis and inflammation by targeting the LTBP4 protein. The company also works on developing biomarkers and wearable assistive devices under the Solid Suit program, which aims to provide therapeutic benefits to patients. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Solid Biosciences has established a strategic collaboration with Ultragenyx to further develop and commercialize gene therapies for DMD. The company’s initiatives address a critical need, as there are currently no effective cures or satisfactory treatments for this progressive and life-threatening condition.
Syros Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, focused on developing innovative treatments for cancer and monogenic diseases through gene control medicines. The company is advancing its lead candidates, SY-1425, a selective retinoic acid receptor alpha agonist currently undergoing Phase II trials for specific patients with acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome, and SY-5609, a cyclin-dependent kinase 7 inhibitor in Phase I trials for select advanced solid tumors. Syros employs a proprietary platform that integrates assay technologies, bioinformatics, and biological insights to map gene regulatory circuits and modulate gene expression, positioning itself as a leader in gene control research. Additionally, Syros has established collaborations, including a target discovery agreement with Incyte Corporation focused on myeloproliferative neoplasms, and a licensing agreement with TMRC Co. Ltd. for tamibarotene's development and commercialization. Founded in 2011, Syros Pharmaceuticals aims to address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and beyond.


Series A in 2020
Moov Financial, Inc. is a financial technology company that specializes in developing an open-source platform designed to embed banking services within various applications. Established in 2017 and headquartered in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Moov is focused on rebuilding banking infrastructure for a cloud-native environment, free from legacy technology constraints. The platform offers a developer-friendly approach, allowing for customization and portability across cloud providers or on-premises environments. Moov's services include ACH processing, customer accounts, KYC and OFAC compliance, wire transfers, and image cash letters. By providing a modular and decoupled banking-as-a-service solution, Moov enables organizations to integrate transactional banking capabilities seamlessly into their software, thereby enhancing user experiences and simplifying money management.


Series C in 2020
Pharvaris B.V. is a clinical-stage company based in Leiden, the Netherlands, focused on the discovery and development of oral bradykinin B2 receptor antagonists for the treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) and other conditions linked to B2 receptor activity. Established in 2015, the company aims to provide new therapeutic options that eliminate the need for injections. Its lead drug candidate, PHA121, is a novel small-molecule antagonist currently undergoing Phase 1 clinical trials. Pharvaris benefits from the expertise of its co-founders, including an inventor of icatibant, which is a previously developed treatment for HAE. The company is dedicated to advancing alternatives to existing therapies, enhancing the quality of life for patients with HAE.


Series A in 2020
AavantiBio, Inc. is dedicated to developing gene transfer therapy and gene editing technologies aimed at improving the lives of individuals afflicted by rare and fatal diseases. The company primarily focuses on Friedreich’s Ataxia, a rare inherited genetic disorder that leads to significant cardiac and central nervous system dysfunction. Founded in 2019 and based in Gainesville, Florida, AavantiBio is committed to advancing innovative gene therapies to address unmet medical needs in the treatment of rare genetic diseases and autoimmune conditions. Through its research and development efforts, the company seeks to transform patient care and enhance treatment options for those affected by these serious health challenges.


Series A in 2020
Thoropass develops a compliance and information security platform that assists businesses in managing their compliance needs and obtaining necessary security certifications. The platform provides tools for storing, sharing, and managing the components of a business's compliance program. Thoropass reviews clients' policies and procedures, offering guidance on compliance steps, and organizes their system of record to align with specific compliance requirements. The service also promotes collaboration on vendor security assessments, enabling companies to achieve certifications more efficiently, close larger deals, and establish scalable security practices that can withstand audits. Based in New York, Thoropass aims to help growing businesses build trust in the marketplace through effective compliance management.


Private Equity Round in 2020
eSolutions specializes in delivering high value, cost effective, revenue cycle management services in a web-based environment. They enable their clients to maximize reimbursement for the services in the most efficient and timely manner. eSolutions has grown significantly, and they now serve thousands of providers - ranging from small, family-owned home health agencies to nationally recognized corporate health systems. But they still provide each and every one of their clients with the best service available. They aim to exceed their clients’ expectations, offering unparalleled customer service and reliability. Customer service has been and always will be the foundation of their success.

Virgin Australia

Acquisition in 2020
Virgin Australia operates as a major airline in Australia, providing both domestic and international passenger and cargo services. The airline, which is the second-largest in the country by fleet size, serves over 50 destinations with a fleet of 106 aircraft, including Boeing and Airbus models. It has hubs in key cities such as Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney, and offers services to 29 cities across Australia. Virgin Australia has transitioned from a low-cost carrier to a "New World Carrier," allowing customers to choose between budget-friendly options and more comprehensive services akin to full-service airlines. The airline also features a frequent flyer program, Velocity, and has established strategic partnerships with several international airlines, enhancing its global reach. Founded in 2000 by Richard Branson and formerly known as Virgin Blue, the company has evolved to compete effectively with Qantas, particularly in the business travel sector, by upgrading its onboard services and introducing business class offerings.

Rapid Micro Biosystems

Venture Round in 2020
Rapid Micro Biosystems provides products for the detection of microbial contamination in the manufacture of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and personal care products. It offers the Growth Direct System, a non-destructive method for microbial enumeration. The company was formerly known as Genomic Profiling Systems and changed its name to Rapid Micro Biosystems in 2007. Rapid Micro Biosystems was founded in 2006 and is based in Bedford, Massachusetts.

Broadstep Behavioral Health

Private Equity Round in 2020
Broadstep Behavioral Health specializes in providing a comprehensive range of behavioral health and supportive living services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), mental illness, and co-occurring disorders. The organization serves over 1,300 individuals across 86 facilities in states including Wisconsin, North Carolina, New Jersey, Illinois, and South Carolina. Broadstep focuses on delivering physical, emotional, and mental support through various programs, including residential, educational, and vocational services. The aim is to create safe and nurturing environments where individuals feel valued and supported, fostering personal growth and community integration.

Atea Pharmaceuticals

Series D in 2020
Atea Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of next-generation therapeutics for severe human viral infections. It caters to the healthcare industry and engages in the discovery and development of antiviral therapeutics that enable patients to have treatment for infections caused by RNA and DNA viruses. Atea Pharmaceuticals was established in 2014 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.


Series D in 2020
PresenceLearning, Inc. offers online special education services, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral interventions, and mental health support, to K-12 students and school districts across the United States and Canada. Utilizing a web-based videoconferencing platform, the company connects schools and parents with a network of licensed speech-language pathologists and other specialists through a variety of online tools and evidence-based therapeutic activities. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, PresenceLearning has established itself as a leader in delivering clinical services via the internet, successfully providing over 2.5 million teletherapy sessions since its inception. The company, formerly known as Presence Telecare, Inc., rebranded to its current name in August 2011.


Series C in 2020
RentoMojo is an online furniture and appliance rental platform founded in November 2014 by Geetansh Bamania in India. The company operates in several major cities, including Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, and Noida. RentoMojo offers a convenient solution for young professionals and others living in rental properties, allowing them to rent furniture, home appliances, and electronics on a monthly basis. This model enables customers, especially those who frequently relocate, to avoid the hassle of buying and selling durable goods, providing a flexible and cost-effective alternative for furnishing their living spaces.

Showa Aircraft Industry

Acquisition in 2020
Showa Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer based in Akishima, Japan, specializing in transportation equipment both domestically and internationally. The company produces general purpose containers and transportation support vehicles, along with honeycomb cores and panels for aircraft and industrial applications, including satellites and cargo aircraft galleys. In addition to its core manufacturing activities, Showa Aircraft operates sports facilities for golf and tennis, manages hotels and shopping centers, and leases warehouse and commercial spaces. Established in 1937, the company has a diverse portfolio that extends beyond transportation equipment to include lifestyle support equipment. As of March 2020, Showa Aircraft Industry was taken private.

ST Unitas

Series C in 2020
ST Unitas Co. Ltd. is an EduTech company based in Seoul, South Korea, founded in 2010. Initially known as ST & Company, it rebranded in May 2016. The company specializes in developing educational content and programs aimed at university entrance exam preparation, job searching, and language acquisition. With a rapid growth trajectory, ST Unitas expanded from a small team of four employees to over 1,200 within six years, establishing itself as a leading player in the global EduTech sector. The company collaborates with non-profit organizations, social enterprises, governments, and other entities to create innovative learning materials that address various educational needs, including parenting, child education, and personal development. ST Unitas emphasizes a vision-driven approach, prioritizing impactful educational outcomes over mere profitability, and seeks partnerships with like-minded organizations to achieve its ambitious goals.


Series B in 2020
Affinivax, Inc. is a biotechnology company based in Lexington, Massachusetts, that specializes in developing vaccines using its innovative Multiple Antigen Presenting System (MAPS) technology. This approach allows for the combination of protective polysaccharides and proteins in a single vaccine, aiming to enhance the immune response against various infectious diseases. Affinivax focuses on a range of pathogens, including Streptococcus pneumoniae, which poses significant health risks to both children and adults. The company seeks to create vaccines that provide broader disease coverage and address infectious diseases lacking effective immunization strategies. Founded in 2014, Affinivax benefits from insights provided by leading experts in infectious diseases and vaccines, and it has secured support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with exclusive licensing rights from Boston Children’s Hospital for its MAPS technology.
Mersana Therapeutics employs its biodegradable polymer platform to create new and better medicines. They are advancing their own clinical-stage pipeline of novel compounds with the potential to address multiple oncology indications. It was founded in 2005 and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Venture Round in 2020
ViaCyte, Inc. is a regenerative medicine company based in San Diego, California, focused on developing innovative cell replacement therapies for diabetes. The company is working on several product candidates, including VC-01, designed for type 1 diabetes, and VC-02, which facilitates blood vessel interaction with implanted pancreatic precursor cells. Their VCTX210 product utilizes a proprietary human stem cell line that helps prevent immune system rejection, eliminating the need for immunosuppressants. ViaCyte's therapies differentiate stem cells into pancreatic beta-cell precursors that are implanted in an encapsulation device, enabling the production of insulin in response to blood glucose levels. The company's aim is to provide long-term solutions for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients, reducing their dependence on insulin and minimizing associated health complications. Founded in 1999 and formerly known as Novocell, Inc., ViaCyte also has operations in Athens, Georgia.

Nurix Therapeutics

Venture Round in 2020
Nurix Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of small molecule therapies aimed at treating cancer and immune disorders. The company focuses on innovative approaches to modulate cellular protein levels, utilizing its expertise in the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Its lead preclinical candidates include NX-2127, an orally available Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) degrader targeting relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies, and NX-1607, a Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene-B (CBL-B) inhibitor for immuno-oncology applications. Nurix also offers DELigase, a discovery platform that identifies and advances novel drug candidates by targeting E3 ligases, which play a crucial role in protein regulation. Founded in 2009 and based in San Francisco, the company has established strategic collaborations with major pharmaceutical firms, enhancing its potential in the competitive biopharmaceutical landscape.

Kymera Therapeutics

Series C in 2020
Kymera Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company based in Watertown, Massachusetts, established in 2015. It specializes in targeted protein degradation, developing innovative small molecule therapeutics that selectively degrade proteins associated with various diseases by utilizing the body's natural protein degradation mechanisms. The company is advancing several therapeutic programs, including the IRAK4 program aimed at treating immunology-inflammation diseases such as hidradenitis suppurativa, atopic dermatitis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, it is developing the IRAKIMiD program for MYD88-mutated diffuse large B cell lymphoma and the STAT3 program for hematologic malignancies and solid tumors, as well as autoimmune diseases. Through its proprietary predictive modeling platform, Kymera Therapeutics seeks to accelerate drug discovery and address previously untreatable conditions.
A complete offer of business integration, application and infrastructure outsourcing, innovative solutions and strategic consultancy. The parent company Engineering Ingegneria Informatica has been listed on the Milan stock market since December 2000 and the ordinary shares are part of the FTSE Italia STAR index, which includes stock with the highest industrial and equity requisites. Designing and creating innovative architecture that guide and support all the organizations' business and service models in all markets. Promoting innovation in organizations, processes and services with the passion and enthusiasm of an Italian company.

JenaValve Technology

Series D in 2020
JenaValve Technology GmbH specializes in the development and manufacturing of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) systems designed for both transapical and transfemoral implantation. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Munich, Germany, the company offers a therapeutic alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement for high-risk patients suffering from aortic heart valve stenosis. The concept for the device was initiated by cardiologists Hans-Reiner Figulla and Markus Ferrari at the Friedrich Schiller University Clinic in Jena, Germany. Early on, JenaValve recognized the importance of safety, precision, and durability in their systems, which are crucial for effective treatment and enhancing patient well-being.


Post in 2020
Savara Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company based in Austin, Texas, specializing in rare respiratory diseases. Its primary product candidate, Molgradex, is an inhaled granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor currently in Phase III development for autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (aPAP). Additionally, Molgradex is being evaluated in Phase IIa trials for nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung infections and cystic fibrosis patients with chronic NTM infections. Savara is also developing AeroVanc, an inhaled vancomycin, which is in Phase III trials for treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. The company aims to expand its pipeline through strategic partnerships and product acquisitions, including a recent acquisition of a combination antibiotic that targets drug-resistant pathogens. Savara's management team has extensive experience in orphan drug development and is focused on addressing unmet medical needs in the field of pulmonary medicine.


Series A in 2020
EQRx operates as a biotechnology company, focused on re-engineering the process from drug discovery to patient delivery with the goal of offering a market-based solution for the rising cost of medicines. By bringing together stakeholders from across the healthcare system and utilizing the latest advances in science and technology, the company seeks to discover, develop and deliver high-quality, patent-protected medicines more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever before. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.

Kestra Medical Technologies

Private Equity Round in 2020
Kestra Medical Technologies, Inc. specializes in the development and manufacturing of wearable medical devices aimed at monitoring and managing acute medical conditions, particularly in the cardiac care sector. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Kirkland, Washington, the company offers innovative solutions that enable the collection, communication, and storage of patient performance data, facilitating both real-time and retrospective analysis. Among its primary products is a wearable cardioverter defibrillator designed to prevent sudden cardiac death and support cardiac recovery in at-risk patients. These devices integrate advanced technologies to deliver vital information, thereby enhancing the ability of patients and their healthcare teams to monitor and manage health effectively.
Marinus Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of ganaxolone, offering a new mechanism of action with safe and convenient dosing, for adult and pediatric patient populations in acute and chronic care settings. The company was founded in 2003 and is based in Branford, Connecticut.

Imperative Care

Series C in 2019
Imperative Care, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the speed and effectiveness of acute stroke treatment through innovative medical technologies. Founded in 2015 and based in Campbell, California, the company has developed a range of solutions aimed at addressing critical needs in stroke care. Among its offerings is the Large Distal Platform, a large diameter catheter designed to reach treatment sites for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Complementing this is the ZOOM Aspiration System, a comprehensive solution that works in conjunction with the Large Distal Platform and includes various trackable reperfusion catheters for effective clot removal. By advancing stroke treatment technologies, Imperative Care aims to improve patient outcomes and optimize recovery processes for those affected by strokes.


Series D in 2019
Reonomy is a commercial real estate data and analytics platform that integrates extensive property information to assist professionals in sourcing deals and making informed decisions. By utilizing big data, partnerships, and machine learning, Reonomy connects various fragmented aspects of the commercial real estate market, offering users access to comprehensive property intelligence. The platform provides valuable insights by combining data on properties, companies, and individuals, enabling lenders, brokers, and investors to identify opportunities and engage with real estate owners effectively. Through its innovative approach, Reonomy empowers users to navigate the complexities of the real estate landscape with greater clarity and confidence.


Series D in 2019
Reonomy is a commercial real estate data and analytics platform that integrates extensive property information to assist professionals in sourcing deals and making informed decisions. By utilizing big data, partnerships, and machine learning, Reonomy connects various fragmented aspects of the commercial real estate market, offering users access to comprehensive property intelligence. The platform provides valuable insights by combining data on properties, companies, and individuals, enabling lenders, brokers, and investors to identify opportunities and engage with real estate owners effectively. Through its innovative approach, Reonomy empowers users to navigate the complexities of the real estate landscape with greater clarity and confidence.

Arcutis Biotherapeutics

Series C in 2019
Arcutis Biotherapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing and commercializing treatments for immune-mediated dermatological diseases. The company's lead product candidate, ARQ-151, is a topical cream formulation of roflumilast currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of plaque psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. In addition, Arcutis is advancing ARQ-154, a topical foam formulation of ARQ-151 aimed at treating seborrheic dermatitis and scalp psoriasis, as well as ARQ-252, a selective topical small molecule inhibitor of janus kinase type 1 for hand eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. Another candidate, ARQ-255, is being developed to penetrate deeper into the skin to address inflammation in alopecia areata. Founded in 2016 and located in Westlake Village, California, Arcutis Biotherapeutics was formerly known as Arcutis, Inc. before its name change in October 2019.
Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, focused on developing therapeutics aimed at addressing significant unmet medical needs in cancer treatment, particularly those related to abnormal gene expression and drug resistance. The company's lead product candidates include CPI-0610, currently undergoing Phase II clinical trials for myelofibrosis in combination with ruxolitinib, and CPI-1205, which is in Phase Ib/II trials for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer alongside androgen receptor signaling inhibitors. Additionally, Constellation is developing CPI-0209, which is in the dose escalation phase of a Phase I/II clinical trial for solid tumors. Founded in 2008, the company was previously known as Epigenetix, Inc. and has established itself as a pioneer in the emerging field of epigenetics, which focuses on selective regulators of epigenetic function crucial for gene expression control.


Series B in 2019
Pharvaris B.V. is a clinical-stage company based in Leiden, the Netherlands, focused on the discovery and development of oral bradykinin B2 receptor antagonists for the treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) and other conditions linked to B2 receptor activity. Established in 2015, the company aims to provide new therapeutic options that eliminate the need for injections. Its lead drug candidate, PHA121, is a novel small-molecule antagonist currently undergoing Phase 1 clinical trials. Pharvaris benefits from the expertise of its co-founders, including an inventor of icatibant, which is a previously developed treatment for HAE. The company is dedicated to advancing alternatives to existing therapies, enhancing the quality of life for patients with HAE.


Post in 2019
IQVIA, Inc. is a global provider of information and technology services tailored for the healthcare industry. The company specializes in collecting and organizing comprehensive healthcare data, including sales, prescriptions, medical claims, and electronic medical records. IQVIA offers a range of solutions, such as IMS One, a cloud application for business analytics that allows clients to analyze healthcare data related to diseases, treatments, costs, and outcomes. Its services also include commercial applications for sales operations, real-world evidence solutions for evaluating treatment value, and clinical solutions to support the design and execution of clinical trials. The company serves a diverse clientele, including pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical device companies, providers, payers, government agencies, and researchers. Founded in 2010 and based in Danbury, Connecticut, IQVIA, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of IQVIA Holdings Inc.


Series A in 2019
Opsani, Inc. is a software company based in Redwood City, California, that specializes in cloud optimization and application deployment. Founded in 2014 as Datagrid Systems and renamed Opsani in 2017, the company develops a range of tools to enhance the performance of applications and cloud infrastructure. Its flagship product, Skopos, automates deployment processes, while Skopos Surveyor assists Docker users by scanning and displaying running applications and their architectures. Opsani AI leverages artificial intelligence to identify optimal settings for application performance, and VCTR scans servers and containers for vulnerabilities. The company's platform integrates seamlessly with various delivery platforms, enabling DevOps teams to optimize operations autonomously, adapt to changes, and improve overall efficiency.


Acquisition in 2019
Kantar is a global market research agency specializing in data and insights that offer actionable recommendations to clients across various industries. With a workforce of approximately 26,500 employees operating in 95 countries, Kantar integrates the expertise of its 13 specialist companies to provide comprehensive business insights throughout the consumer cycle. The company serves a diverse range of sectors, including automotive, fast-moving consumer goods, energy, and finance, and is known for its work with many of Fortune's Top 500 companies. Kantar Health, a division focused on the life sciences industry, delivers data, analytics, and research to support clients in bringing safe and effective treatments to market, particularly in oncology and rare diseases. By leveraging analytics and consultancy services, Kantar helps organizations predict consumer behavior and optimize their growth strategies.

Attivo Networks

Series C in 2019
Attivo Networks, Inc. specializes in advanced network security solutions aimed at detecting and mitigating cyber threats for both on-premise and cloud environments. The company is recognized for its expertise in deception technology, which provides accurate threat detection, analysis, and response to a variety of cyber attacks, including ransomware and insider threats. Its Deception and Response Platform enhances visibility across diverse environments such as user networks, data centers, and IoT systems. Attivo's Honeynet Technology engages attackers with high-interaction traps, enabling the collection of attack data for analysis and forensics. The platform’s multi-dimensional correlation engine identifies infected endpoints and tracks the sequence of infection, command and control servers, and lateral movement methods. Additionally, Attivo Networks offers solutions that facilitate incident response through automated playbooks and integrations for threat mitigation. Established in 2011 and headquartered in Fremont, California, the company serves a global clientele in corporate and government sectors.


Series B in 2019
Cameo is a marketplace that enables fans to book personalized video shoutouts from a wide range of celebrities and influencers. The platform focuses on providing authentic and tailored fan experiences by allowing users to connect with their favorite personalities for custom video messages. Cameo partners with thousands of talents across various fields, offering customers an opportunity to share unique, personalized content. The company's mission centers on enhancing fan engagement through these bespoke interactions, creating memorable experiences that resonate with users. Based in Chicago, Cameo is a key player in the technology and startup ecosystem, facilitating a creative outlet for both fans and celebrities.

Rodeo Dental & Orthodontics

Acquisition in 2019
Rodeo Dental & Orthodontics, Inc. is a healthcare provider specializing in general dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, and pediatric dental services across the United States. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, the company operates multiple locations, offering a comprehensive range of dental treatments to meet the needs of patients of all ages.

Qinhuai Data

Corporate Round in 2019
Qinhuai Data was established in 2004. The company focuses on industrial ecological planning, investment, construction, testing and operation of cloud computing infrastructure. The controlling shareholder, NetScience Technology Co., Ltd., is the leading joint-stock listed company in the field of Internet computing in China. It mainly provides customers with global content distribution and acceleration, server hosting and leasing, and network optimization for bandwidth resources. supplier. In August 2015, we jointly established Beijing Qinhuai Data Co., Ltd. with NetScience Technology, invested and operated its own IDC Internet data center in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and leased and operated more than 170 operators' operating rooms worldwide in the data center. Provide resources and services to partners in the entire ecological industry chain for resource development, project operation and maintenance of construction operations, IT server hardware custom operation and maintenance, broadband access value-added services, and long-distance transmission link solutions.


Seed Round in 2019
Provider of specialist insurance protection services intended to reduce risk and financial loss. The company provides insurance products for the sharing economy, provides support for minor incidents, helps mediate repayment of damage between hosts and guests, and offers the only sharing platform with protection, enabling homeowners hosts with homes insurance coverage in case of damages caused due to accidents or abuse of trust by the guests.


Series F in 2019
Tealium, Inc. specializes in enterprise tag management and customer data orchestration solutions, assisting businesses in integrating and managing customer data from various digital touchpoints, including web, mobile, and IoT devices. Founded in 2008 and headquartered in San Diego, California, Tealium offers a suite of products including Tealium iQ for tag management, AudienceStream for real-time audience discovery, and Tealium DataAccess for unifying insights across channels. The company's solutions enable digital marketers to deploy and manage third-party vendor tags effectively, transforming the data generated into actionable insights. Tealium's platform supports over 1,300 vendor integrations, creating a comprehensive customer data infrastructure that enhances marketing strategies and facilitates informed engagement. Trusted by over 1,000 businesses globally, Tealium empowers brands in various sectors to optimize their customer interactions and improve overall marketing effectiveness.


Series C in 2019
RentoMojo is an online furniture and appliance rental platform founded in November 2014 by Geetansh Bamania in India. The company operates in several major cities, including Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, and Noida. RentoMojo offers a convenient solution for young professionals and others living in rental properties, allowing them to rent furniture, home appliances, and electronics on a monthly basis. This model enables customers, especially those who frequently relocate, to avoid the hassle of buying and selling durable goods, providing a flexible and cost-effective alternative for furnishing their living spaces.

Robot Ventures

Seed Round in 2019
Robot Ventures is a venture capital firm based in New York, founded in 2019. It focuses on early-stage investments in fintech and blockchain companies, particularly targeting those led by ambitious founders with unique perspectives. The firm operates a fund that invests between $25,000 and $100,000 in each company, emphasizing sectors such as software, cryptocurrency, and other financial services. Robot Ventures aims to identify and support exceptional startups that demonstrate innovative approaches within these rapidly evolving industries.

SpringWorks Therapeutics

Series B in 2019
SpringWorks Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing therapies for underserved patient populations affected by rare diseases and cancer. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, the company’s lead product candidate, nirogacestat, is an oral small molecule gamma secretase inhibitor currently in Phase III trials for treating desmoid tumors. Other significant candidates include mirdametinib, an oral MEK inhibitor in Phase IIb trials for neurofibromatosis type 1-associated plexiform neurofibromas, and various combinations involving nirogacestat for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. The company is also exploring additional therapies, such as BGB-3245, an investigational oral inhibitor targeting BRAF mutations, currently in Phase I trials. SpringWorks has established collaborations with several biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms to enhance its research and development efforts.

Rural Sourcing

Acquisition in 2019
Rural Sourcing, Inc. is an information technology outsourcing company based in Atlanta, Georgia, that provides a range of IT services throughout the United States. Founded in 2004, the company specializes in application development, business intelligence and analytics, cloud solutions, enterprise application development, and testing services. Its offerings include new application development, modernization of existing applications, data management and integration, project support for cloud implementations, and various types of software testing. Rural Sourcing serves a diverse clientele, including Fortune 1000 companies in sectors such as consumer goods, financial services, healthcare, technology, insurance, and pharmaceuticals. The company aims to connect skilled IT professionals residing in lower-cost living areas with businesses seeking qualified talent, fostering both professional opportunities and community engagement.

Qinhuai Data

Acquisition in 2019
Qinhuai Data was established in 2004. The company focuses on industrial ecological planning, investment, construction, testing and operation of cloud computing infrastructure. The controlling shareholder, NetScience Technology Co., Ltd., is the leading joint-stock listed company in the field of Internet computing in China. It mainly provides customers with global content distribution and acceleration, server hosting and leasing, and network optimization for bandwidth resources. supplier. In August 2015, we jointly established Beijing Qinhuai Data Co., Ltd. with NetScience Technology, invested and operated its own IDC Internet data center in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and leased and operated more than 170 operators' operating rooms worldwide in the data center. Provide resources and services to partners in the entire ecological industry chain for resource development, project operation and maintenance of construction operations, IT server hardware custom operation and maintenance, broadband access value-added services, and long-distance transmission link solutions.


Acquisition in 2019
Brillio, LLC is a technology consulting firm based in Santa Clara, California, specializing in digital transformation services for various industries, including banking and finance, energy and utilities, consumer packaged goods, retail, technology, and media and entertainment. Established in 2004, Brillio focuses on implementing digital technologies to help clients enhance their business operations and competitive positioning. The company offers a range of services, such as digital experiences, product engineering, data analytics, and digital infrastructure. Brillio employs proprietary methodologies and advanced technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, to develop innovative digital solutions. With a team of approximately 2,600 professionals spread across nine offices globally, Brillio prioritizes customer satisfaction and aims to deliver effective and timely digital transformations for its clients.


Acquisition in 2019
HealthDrive, founded in 1989 by medical professionals, specializes in delivering on-site medical and dental services to residents of long-term care facilities. Recognizing the need for enhanced healthcare in these settings, the company has built a network of over 120 skilled providers, including specialists in dentistry, optometry, podiatry, and audiology. Serving more than 135,000 senior living residents across 1,000 facilities nationwide, HealthDrive focuses on providing proactive healthcare tailored to the unique needs of seniors. Their commitment to delivering services with care and empathy aims to improve the overall quality of life for individuals in long-term care. By bringing essential healthcare services directly to the facilities, HealthDrive enhances accessibility and ensures that residents receive the comprehensive care they require.

Annexon Biosciences

Series C in 2018
Annexon Biosciences is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative therapies for autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases that are influenced by the classical complement pathway. The company’s research revolves around C1q, a key molecule that, when aberrantly activated, contributes to various disease processes. Its lead product candidates include ANX005, a monoclonal antibody designed for intravenous administration, which has completed Phase 1b trials for treating Guillain-Barré syndrome, and ANX007, formulated for intravitreal use, which has also completed Phase 1b trials aimed at glaucoma treatment. Additionally, Annexon is advancing preclinical candidates targeting conditions such as warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and geographic atrophy. Founded in 2011 and headquartered in South San Francisco, California, the company employs a biomarker-driven strategy to ensure effective engagement of its therapies in the intended patient populations.
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