CloviTek Inc is a start-up company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. CloviTek, Inc (link to the website) that provides a wireless streaming product with the new advertising platform channel for small businesses. CloviFi product enables users to privately listen to high-quality TV audio streams through personal mobile devices, without disturbing others nearby. CloviFi is simple, affordable and easy to use. Users simply connect CloviFi to their TV, connect their mobile device and CloviFi to Wi-Fi, download, install and run the app, select the available TV in the app, and start their own private listening experience. In the past year we’ve been recognized by 4 key wireless audio-visual industry awards including the Best of Innovation Honoree at CES 2018 for our patent pending product. We have trademarks and our patent is currently pending. We shipped our 1st shipment 100 MVP devices, which are performing well. Our advisors come from executive level positions at companies like Dolby, Exceleron, Bright Life Technologies, and successful high-tech startups to help bring the product to market.