Deep Discovery is inspired by Jeff's work with the journalists who led the reporting of the Panama Papers, where we uncovered a previously unreported international nuclear trafficking ring, using only public data found across the open Web. There are thousands of similar organized crime networks going undetected, causing banks to be fined billions of dollars for letting them slip through the cracks. At Deep Discovery, we are applying AI to discover hidden patterns in raw data that reveal high-risk activity at an unprecedented global scale. We automatically generate financial crime risk assessment scores, analogous to a FICO score, for every company in the world, including their directors and officers. These risk scores will be available under a simple subscription model to be queried by banks, regulators, and journalists, with the underlying source documentation available for verification and further human analysis. No other software vendor in the marketplace today is able to generate network-based risk assessments, which is a big reason banks have been continuing to get caught doing business with bad actors and receiving massive fines.